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Changes Leliana's outfit to fit more with the Chantry robes and the Chantry colours.

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UPDATE: Thanks to noxaterrima for letting me know the file was broken. It has now been fixed. Sorry to everyone who downloaded the original.

While I do like her Original outfit I wanted Leliana's outfit to look more like she is indeed the left hand of the Divine and not just some random spy. So I grabbed parts of the Chantry mothers' robes and used them to mess with Leliana's. Now she actually looks like she belongs in a Chantry! (granted in some ways her not looking like she is from the Chantry was probably the point of the purple but shhhh)

Her hood is now red and her her chainmail has now been replaced with a white material with Chantry embellishments. All the silver on her armour has also been switched to gold to match the Chantry. I have also added the necklace the Mother's wear because she had a chantry amulet in Origins and I figured she was likely to still have it so why not make her wear it.

All screenshots are taken with the default Leliana face.

Like normal merge the mod with the mod manager to install it.
Requires Patch 12