About this mod
*I've added the eyes that these Inquisitors are using* This mod completely re-does the makeup for the Inquisitor. It is a personal mod I made for myself and uploaded for others to use.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
The reason this is happening is because I moved the under brow makeup to the ears. I didn't use the base game under brow makeup that often so I decided to move it to a place where I would actually use it. It is appearing in odd colors because the game automatically has most of the under brow colors on a white or grey, depending on the skintone. It can be "fixed" by changing the color of the under brow to something more natural and/or lowering the opacity.

If you have any questions about the mod or requests for variations of it, don't be afraid to talk to me
This is a mod made by myself, for myself. I decided to share it because there were a few requests for it. I would say that it aims to make the makeup usage more natural, but it can be used for anything not natural as well.
THIS MOD IS BY NO MEANS PERFECT. I want to clarify that only because I want to complain a little about the limitations on creativity. Making this mod was tedious. I really wanted ear blush so I moved the under brow makeup to the ears and I also wanted the blush to go over the bridge of the nose and not just under the cheekbones, so I did that as well. The two decided to clash and blend in odd ways so the top of the blush is now much farther down than I would have liked. Overall, the mod works very well as intended and can look good with different color variations and skintones. I am considering adding different versions of this mod because there are so many different changes I could make, so if you have any suggestions, be sure to share them with me.
I would also like to note that my Inquisition mods and pictures have all used some variation of this makeup so if you feel that there aren't enough pictures here, you're welcome to check those out. I am also very open to accepting user submitted images so don't hesitate to share.
M O D S :
My Inquisitors aren't using a lot of mods this time around. I got kind of lazy and just used what was in my game at the moment, but if you have any questions about any of the mods I'm using, just let me know.
R E S H A D E S:
I have added pictures with my reshades and without. I use the reshades to make the colors more prominent and make the game look a bit prettier, so the pictures without the reshades, in my opinion, don't show off the makeup well. This is not because the makeup is hard to see without reshades; it is because I made the makeup lighter on most of the characters and the reshades do often make the colors a lot more noticeable. I have added pictures without any enhancements so that you can see how the makeup will look base game.
If you have any questions about my reshades, comment or message me telling me what your concern is and which picture or pictures you are referencing.