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Vienna Martin

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About this mod

Reimagines Solas with his original darker complexion, as inspired by concept art from Matt Rhodes and several others.

Permissions and credits
There are many beautiful Solas mods out there, but none of them quite catered to what I wanted. Namely, a darker Solas which looked both natural and aesthetically pleasing without sacrificing the general feeling of his character. The end result is a labour of love which saw many revisions and countless references to get my favourite elf just right. As such, he probably won't be seeing any updates, unless there is a massive push for one. I hope you all understand.

This mod would not be possible without the incandescent work of Ellise, whose texture work helped decide the basis for my Solas, along with the brilliant skin tone modifier created by KittenTails, which I have uploaded here with their permission. Thank you so much, friends, for all that you have done.

I hope you enjoy this little slice of creative freedom. Take care of yourselves and each other.