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About this mod

Do you wanna know how to make a custom retexture for your Inky? Well, I can teach you!

Permissions and credits
Since tutorials for Dragon Age: Inquisition are all over the place, and there isn't a lot of them, I figured that I should make and post a few while I figure out how to make them. Padme4000 has made a lot of videos that help, but I figured we need some simple ones like this!

Even if this game is almost 10 years old, I still think people should be able to make mods for their favourite games, so I definitely plan on making more tutorials like this in the future.

If there's any questions or suggestions for tutorials, I'll be happy help! :)

Special Thanks To:
Padme4000 for her videos to help me understand how to mod DAI!

Where to Find Me?

If you take any pics with this mod, please add it to the images! I'd love to see them! :D

Please consider supporting me by giving me a Ko-fi!
OfficiallyJewls' Ko-Fi

1) Install the requirements and follow their installation instructions.

2) Download this tutorial.

3) Unzip the .zip file to somewhere on your desktop/PC.

4) Follow the steps from my tutorial.

5) Rejoice!