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About this mod

This mod makes it so Human Female Inquisitors can wear the Divine armor & helmet from the Trespasser DLC.

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This mod makes it so Human Female Inquisitors can wear the Divine armor & helmet from the Trespasser DLC.
I accomplished this by changing the restriction on the armor and adding appearance data for all human female Inquisitors.

There are THREE different ways you can acquire this armor with my mod
  • You can download the optional store mod I have provided. This adds the armors to the Crossroads vendor in the Hinterlands for your convenience. Once you have your armor, you can remove the store mod without losing the armor you have bought. You can also use this store mod WITHOUT my main mod to just get the armor for Vivienne or Cassandra, though I have only provided Vivienne's hat.
  • Once you progress enough in the Trespasser DLC, this will be equipped to Divine Cassandra or Divine Vivienne if they are in your party, you can then take it for your own personal use.
  • You can use cheat engine's inventory editor to change a HEAVY armor (crafted with Silverite if needed). If you are unfamiliar with how to do use cheat engine there is a handy tutorial for item changing here and you can find the latest cheat table in this thread. Codes provided below & in txt file.

Cassandra Cheat Engine Codes

Vivienne Cheat Engine Codes

Aditional notes:
The helmet WILL clip through longer hair.
I have not tested this with any schematic mods.
This armor set is not naturally tintable. If someone knows how enable such a thing, I will gladly update the mod.
Since I've been modding this game for all of... one week, please bare with me if I made a mistake somewhere.

Other Mods:
Solas Portrait Correction
Solas Trespasser Armors for Male Elves & Humans

v0.1 Release
v0.2 Removed restrictions completely (Thanks to tirnoney!) You now only need one file and either armor can be equipped by everyone, but will only ~show~ on you, Cassandra, and Vivienne. | 9/21 Added optional store mod