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Take all your friends to Halamshiral, and other related mods
The Core of her Heart - A Morrigan Mod
New complexion and an outfit retexture for Morrigan.
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The Core of her Heart - A Morrigan Mod
New complexion and an outfit retexture for Morrigan.
Improved skin, thicker beard
Darkling I Listen - A Leliana Mod
Small tweaks to Leliana's complexion and outfit.
Sun-Flooded Silks - A Josephine Mod
A complexion edit as well as a minor outfit tweak for Josie.
- 36.8MB
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Sun-Flooded Silks - A Josephine Mod
A complexion edit as well as a minor outfit tweak for Josie.
Josephine's Closet - Outfits and Hairstyles for Our Lady Ambassador
world cold and hard josephine soft and warm
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Josephine's Closet - Outfits and Hairstyles for Our Lady Ambassador
world cold and hard josephine soft and warm
Mashup of my personal Solas face retexture and Ellises' Solas retexture
This mod gives Blackwall a short haircut and a trimmed beard.
An alternative 4K complexion for Leliana, featuring Origins-inspired arched eyebrows and less Botox. Made using (mostly) BioWare's and Ellise's textures as a base. .daimod & *not-so-tested* .fbmod conversion.
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An alternative 4K complexion for Leliana, featuring Origins-inspired arched eyebrows and less Botox. Made using (mostly) BioWare's and Ellise's textures as a base. .daimod & *not-so-tested* .fbmod conversion.
OriginAlistair (An Alistair Overhaul Mod)
Gives Alistair a retexture and/or a new headmorph to resemble his Origins appearance. Optional stubble/hair colours available.
- 40KB
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OriginAlistair (An Alistair Overhaul Mod)
Gives Alistair a retexture and/or a new headmorph to resemble his Origins appearance. Optional stubble/hair colours available.
Cassandra's Undercut Pony and fierce makeup
New hair and complexion for Cassandra
Beloved Montilyet - Josephine New Hair and Dress
a new hairstyle and dress for Josephine Montilyet.
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Beloved Montilyet - Josephine New Hair and Dress
a new hairstyle and dress for Josephine Montilyet.
Lore-friendly Fiona and Briala
Just another attempt to make Fiona and Briala look more like how they're described in the novels. Now won't affect any other NPCs!
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Lore-friendly Fiona and Briala
Just another attempt to make Fiona and Briala look more like how they're described in the novels. Now won't affect any other NPCs!
Mainly frosty, but there is a daimod option for the hair. Tones down Anora's makeup and swaps her hair for Calpernia's, outfit swap also available. Won't affect other characters. Her hair and eye colour is also affected but it's the same general colour scheme, just lighter.
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Mainly frosty, but there is a daimod option for the hair. Tones down Anora's makeup and swaps her hair for Calpernia's, outfit swap also available. Won't affect other characters. Her hair and eye colour is also affected but it's the same general colour scheme, just lighter.
Dagna Welding Helmet and Skintone Fix
Helmet for frosty, skintone fix for daimod or frosty. Adds a welding helmet for Dagna like she has in her war table art, options for helmet up and helmet down. Also fixes the red skin tint of her arms.
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Dagna Welding Helmet and Skintone Fix
Helmet for frosty, skintone fix for daimod or frosty. Adds a welding helmet for Dagna like she has in her war table art, options for helmet up and helmet down. Also fixes the red skin tint of her arms.
Changes to Briala's appearance to better match how she is described in The Masked Empire.(For FrostyModManager)
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Changes to Briala's appearance to better match how she is described in The Masked Empire.(For FrostyModManager)
Gives Briala an appearance closer to how she was described in The Masked Empire
Gaspard No Mask and Other Mods REMADE
Ehamloptiran's "Gaspard No Mask and Other Mods" as a configurable mod he wrote ages ago.
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Gaspard No Mask and Other Mods REMADE
Ehamloptiran's "Gaspard No Mask and Other Mods" as a configurable mod he wrote ages ago.
A Younger looking Celene - Frosty
This mod removes the wrinkles from Celene to make her look younger. Since I have seen a few wanting her to look younger than Florianne since she technically is younger than Florianne. In no way do these edits affect the Inquisitor or other NPC's
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A Younger looking Celene - Frosty
This mod removes the wrinkles from Celene to make her look younger. Since I have seen a few wanting her to look younger than Florianne since she technically is younger than Florianne. In no way do these edits affect the Inquisitor or other NPC's
Asunder mentions Divine Justinia as being a younger, middle-aged woman compared to the Divine that preceded her. This mod attempts to bring that fact forward.
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Asunder mentions Divine Justinia as being a younger, middle-aged woman compared to the Divine that preceded her. This mod attempts to bring that fact forward.