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About this mod

3 new sets of starter and casual outfit (swap mesh), replace the starters and blood dragons armors

Permissions and credits
I loved theses "loose shirt" mesh the npc were wearing and wanted them for my Rooks so bad... So I decided to finally do something about it !

About requests
I can do other recolors if you have some ideas, but I won't take requests for mesh-swaps !


◆ AldwirLin's color compo !

◆ Companions themed recolors :
  • Neve
  • Davrin (1.4a with a red collar/1.4b with red sash instead)

◆ Rebuilt the mod without the pre-order requirement
(sorry about that... Now I know why nobody used dragon blood armor for replacers ! ><)
The casuals are now replacing the rebels armors



◆  3 sets of replacer : warrior / mage / rogue
each one have a "combat" version (replacing the starter armor) and a "casual" version (rebel's armors)

+ separated library file (rootlevel/description)

(both in the main files)

You can use one, or all sets, but you will always need the library file !
In doubt, always load it below the others in your load order

It won't be compatible with other swap mods, unless you make your own library file !
You will find the bundles used below and in an optional fbproject file

◆ color themes by sets

  • Warden - dark-blue and black/white
  • Crow - mostly purple
  • Shadow dragons/v2- a mix of teal and red (2 colors patterns)
  • White - a more neutral version with white shirt, for now only for rogue and mage
  • Mourn Watch recolors - green and purple vith gold accents

Companions themed :
  • Emmrich - to match his starting armor

◆ Warrior armor version for rogues and mages, I will do the same for the others if someone need it !

◆ Warrior retextures without the gold/silver collar, as a workaround for the lod issue

Theses retextures also affect some other armors :

Time-Tested Trappings (aka Cyrian armor) are recolored in warm brown tones
(note that the 'bloody' version presumably seen in cutscenes have no blood on it for now !)

Grey warden's Recruit's Simple Tunic (Flynn's armor) darker leathers

Harellan bolts hood (depend on the theme you choose !)

Neve's investigator armor is... quite messed up x__x
I choosed her coat partly because they would'nt affect the standard shadow dragons robes but, yeah... sorry Neve !
(and the collar mesh is nicer too !)

therefore they won't be compatible with retextures affecting theses files !
You can use the main files without recolors, but it won't look as good, since it is not meant for it ! (mismatched leathers and accents, very very weathered clothes...)

◆  in project

pirate themed recolor, white warrior versions (I think I have some ready but I will have to find them first @_@)

other companion's matching colors

optional starter replacers (all rogue/mage) for intro cutscenes

will see for Neve's investigator armor (if it doesn't kill the retextures's modularity !)

Bundle list

 factions/generic/appearances/civilians/a_bdy_gen_civ_03/models/a_bdy_gen_civ_03_item_body_bundlegenbp_autobundlegen (mage body)
factions/greywarden/appearances/base_01/a_bdy_gre_bse_01_item_straps_bundlegenbp_autobundlegen (mage belt/pouches)
gameplay/equipment/armors/followers/partappearances/prtapp_armor_neve_f_bdy_neve_06_autobundlegen (mage pouches and scrolls/warrior cape)
factions/dalish/appearances/a_bdy_dal_htr_01/models/a_bdy_dal_htr_01_item_hood_bundlegenbp_autobundlegen (mage hood)
factions/generic/appearances/civilians/a_bdy_gen_civ_04/models/a_bdy_gen_civ_04_item_body_bundlegenbp_autobundlegen (warrior body)
factions/generic/appearances/civilians/a_bdy_gen_civ_04/models/a_bdy_gen_civ_04_item_fabric_bundlegenbp_autobundlegen (warrior "scarf-belt")
factions/greywarden/appearances/commoner/a_bdy_gre_svt_07/a_bdy_gre_svt_07_item_dagger_bundlegenbp_autobundlegen (warrior & rogue belt/dagger)
factions/generic/appearances/civilians/a_bdy_gen_civ_05/models/a_bdy_gen_civ_05_item_body_bundlegenbp_autobundlegen (rogue body)
rpg/equipment/armor/medium/armorequip_medium_b_rogue_autobundlegen (crow knives)
gameplay/equipment/entitlements/dlx/prtapp_armor_a_bdy_dal_rog_01_autobundlegen (rogue hood 1/2)
gameplay/equipment/entitlements/dlx/prtapp_helm_a_hlm_dal_rog_01_autobundlegen (rogue hood 2/2)


Install the latest wavebend's alpha frosty mod manager release

There's a guide from Pinkydude here to help, please go check it !

a huge thanks to

violadesdragons for their guide on mashup and mesh swapping, and also for their ressource files !

christeeenith for the swappin' slots slides

metamancer and 0ccuria for the
DAV textures matrice