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About this mod

Recolors of various Shadow Dragon & Tevinter Armors + a Mage Knife, N7 Day Armors, and the Worn Robes.

Permissions and credits
Made these for my game and with my Rook in mind but I hope you find a recolor you like as well! :) 

I wanted to remix and darken the vanilla SD color palette a bit. I also have some plum colored variants and recolored a mage knife/dagger to match the armors better. Not every SD armor is covered here but I may add more in the future. 

Please be aware that these recolors will affect NPCs too. 

Download the All-In-One zip file and add the .fbmod files to the Frosty Mod Manager.

OR download individual armor files (in the optional files section) and add the .fbmod file to the Frosty Mod Manager.

Only choose one recolor at a time for the Fashionable Robes, Fashionable Leathers, and Minrathous Citizen's Outfit armors!