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About this mod

This mod aims to expand CC, currently it adds 12 more hair colours, 3 nose presets, tattoo/paint names, and 4 new tattoos. Is also a framework for other modders to make hair colours and nose presets.

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What is this mod?

This mod aims to expand CC, currently it adds 12 more hair colour slots and 3 nose presets. Is also a framework for other modders to make hair colours and nose presets.

12 new hair colours is the max the UI can handle.
So why is this separate to P4 More Scar Colours ? simply that mod while conflicts with anyone editing that same file it is only one file that needs editing. Where this mod has to touch a file that several files need to touch on.


To install this mod, you need to use wavebend's Alpha of the Frosty Mod Manager

This guide by PinkyDude should help


Due to this being early days (November 2024 as of writing this) for Veilguard modding, use mods at your own risk.


Includes a project file for others to make new hair colours with these new slots as well.

Due to this, this mod is a requirement for any mod using these slots.

This is because the file I needed to add the new 12 slots to, is also a file that needs editing for other things as well. Which is why this mod is called CC expanded and not just more hair colours.

Guides to help edit the new presets:

New Nose Presets 
New Hair Colours

If running into issues exporting, like errors of not set to object reference, resave the project. For some reason I run into this bug as well in between. but resaving the project fixes it.

Thank you

To everyone working on the Frosty Toolsuite
PinkyDude for making guides for users