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About this mod

A standalone program that allows users to modify General Settings, Graphics Settings, Engine Settings, Install a High-Priority Profile for Sparking Zero, Install MiniSteam, install the UTOC Signature Bypass to enable mods, open the ~mods folder from the FileMenu and resize the game window when in windowed mode. Now complete with an updater.

Permissions and credits
A Sparking Zero! File editor with a UI to make setting modification easier.

Main Features

1. Modify General Settings, Graphics Settings (Single Player and Split-Screen), and Engine Settings.
2. Install/Uninstall High Priority Mode to registry for ultimate performance (requires administrator privileges)
3. Install/Uninstall Steam Mini tweak to startup for minimal CPU overhead during games (requires administrator privileges)
4. Install  UTOC Signature Bypass to enable mods without .sig files which enables loading custom pak/utoc/ucas files.
5. Direct Access to the engine.ini and GameUserSettings.ini for adding custom/advanced settings.
6. Open and install the ~mods folder, from the FileMenu, under "Open ~mods folder".
7. Open the game directly from the program. No need to navigate away from the program to launch.
8. Speed hack (Cheat Engine) through the slow UI and/or story cutscenes. Activate through the File Menu.

Other Notable Features

1. Configuration Editor sets the "GameUserSettings.ini" to READONLY to prevent the game from modifying the file afterwards.
2. If for any reason, you need to make changes to the GameUserSettings.ini file, you can make it writable again from the  Filemenu.
3. Gives a shortcut to the file path  %LOCALAPPDATA%\SparkingZERO\Saved\Config\Windows\
4 Added tooltips to all of the Engine.ini settings for user information.
5. "Install UTOC Signature Bypassrequires the user to have the game installed in a standard location, such as in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common or D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common (for now).
6. Windowed Mode: Users can now resize the game window to any size they choose.
7. An updater has been added to allow users to know when a new version has been released.

In Development
1. Engine Setting Specific:
a. More options may be added, depending on general user response.

Installation and How to Use:
1. Download the file.
2. UNZIP the program anywhere. Doesn't matter. You must keep the file structure together or you will break the program.
3. This program is built with the steam release in mind. It will not work for any other versions and I have no intentions of implementing its use anywhere else.
4. Launch the program and enjoy. Just hit the "save button" to save your settings. Please note that hitting the "save button" activates the read only feature.

1. This is the only official source (as of right now) for this mod. If you installed it from anywhere else it could be modified or contain malware.
2. This program was developed utilizing autohotkey, then converted to an executable to be used on any windows PC.
3. This program will only work natively on a Windows PC.


High-Priority Installation:
1. Creates Key (If it does not exist) at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\SparkingZERO-Win64-Shipping.exe\PerfOptions]

2. Sets the following values:

3a. CPUPriorityClass: This value (3) sets the CPU priority to high.
3b. IoPriority: This value (3) sets the I/O Priority to high.
3c. PagePriority: This value (5) sets the page priority to maximum, which ensures the game data remains in RAM as long as possible.
3d. PrioritySeparation: This Value (28) ensures that Sparking Zero! is given as much CPU time as possible, preventing any other applications from causing slowdowns.
3e. WorkingSetLimit: The hex value I've set ensures the game always has at least 4GB of RAM available (meaning windows will automatically remove or page other programs from RAM so the game has 4 GB available - improving game performance), and sets an "unlimited" value for the maximum, meaning the game should use as much RAM as it needs to, prioritizing its position in physical memory over paging.

Steam Mini Installation:
1. Removes the steam startup registry key (if present) from:

2. Creates a in the script directory of Configuration Editor.
3. Copies the SteamMini.ini to the startup folder (not registry).
4. These changes can be reverted. It will throw the steam.exe shortcut into the startup folder (not registry).