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About this mod

This is a custom CAC mod that's only available for the Earthling Race. It'll change the moveset of Male & Female Earthlings, while also adding skills just for that race.

The "theme" of the movesets & skills are from the Naruto franchise, so expect Jutsu skills, Dojutsu abilities, and more.

Permissions and credits

This is a revamp of the Earthling Race, since they really got the shorthand of the stick when it came to vanilla game content. This theme for the Earthlings will be similar to that of the Shinobi, in reference to the "Naruto" franchise since Shinobi are (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง.

In totality, meaning by the time it's fully finished, this mod will include all of the following:

- Custom Super Skills (Some naruto themed, some may be random but so cool I include them) - Custom Ultimate Skills (Some naruto themed, some may be random but so cool I include them) - Custom Evasive Skills (Some naruto themed, some may be random but so cool I include them) - Custom Sound Effects - Custom Attack Animations - Custom Movement Animations - Custom Transformations (Some naruto themed, some may be random but so cool I include them)

This mod is currently an EARLY ACCESS BETA, so expect bugs/glitches. If you notice any, leave a comment on my youtube channel under the associated video, so I can get notified sooner and make the necessary updates.

IMPORTANT: This mod is called "Custom Earthling Revamp", however, do not mistake that as a reference to the official RevampTeamXv2. I am not them, I am my own person ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you want to support me for faster developments, Follow me on YouTube or my other various Links!