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About this mod

What does this mod do? well it gives vegito new attacks based of the dbs super broly move it also give goku 3 new attack and changes one of vegetas attack and it makes broly a playable character

Permissions and credits
You NEED limitless in order for this mod to work

What does this mod do?
This mod Changes vegito to gogeta with some new gogeta super attacks based on the dragon ball super movie it also makes broly a playable character altho he dosnt have any forms this mod also gives goku 3 new attacks and changes how one of vegetas attacks works

Update 2.10 What changed?

This is a very small update as the new name says 2.10 so this update is 10% of BETA 3. Goku now has Gravity Bash. Am adding back Vegito so you can fight as Gogeta and Vegito without having to restart the game although this is very early in development. Vegito is over Yamcha btw. Bugs Vegitos pants are the wrong color none of vegitos transformation's works. I am also making separate in fight transformation fusions like in the vanilla game goku and vegeta has the potara transformation yeah am giving them another potara transformation but for Gogeta. This is also really unfinished you doesn't even fuse into Vegito.

for Gogeta there are 2 ssj ssg and ssgss only one of thos two work the other one dosnt work

Broly will not have any hp and you will not be able to level him up or anything link that sadly but to fix the problem that he has 0 hp go to a campfire and rest

This mod does NOT work with ssjatys new gogeta pack update

For the best experience use the broly model pack made by blackrex witch you can find on videogamemods

Gogeta is now Vegito

Gogeta now has stardust fall fly up in the air and launch a Borash of ki blast down at the opponent 

Gogeta now has Galick Gun vegetas limit breaker galick gun

Gogeta now has Full Force kamehameha now you have to charge it

Broly is now over krilin

Broly now has planet buster

Broly now has Mouth cannon  

Broly now has full power

Goku now has heroic strike if you use heroic strike at the same time as you use Vegeta's prideful strike assist attack you will finish the super attack with a Galick Kamehameha

Goku now has instant transmission strike

Goku now has god bind (not close to being finished tho)

Vegeta's prideful strike super attack has been reworked to finish the super attack with a Galick gun instead of that ki beam if you use prideful strike at the same time as you use Goku's heroic strike assist attack you will finish the super attack with a galick Kamehameha!

as the title says it is a beta so some thing will not work like they should. am not gonna finish this mod for awhile because I wanna work on other stuff like my playable frieze mod talking about it the golden frieze and black frieze transformation's is a go and they WILL work

Thanks so much to reckon for letting me make my mod compatible with limitless