File information
Created by
black34 -- ported to Project Rebuild by mike9k1Uploaded by
mike9k1Virus scan
About this mod
This is a direct port of Hero- Chainmail Luminary for the original (OG) version to Project Rebuild / Ultimate Edition. Default outfit replacement, which grants Hero a chainmail tunic and brown/tan clothing accessories.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This is a direct port of the original (OG) Hero- Chainmail Luminary by black34 to Project Rebuild / Ultimate Edition.
This is essentially an extension of my previous Hero Outfit - Tan Luminary mod, where I've reused the exact same color palette and simply replaced the tunic with a chainmail one.
I was getting rather annoyed that my hero was now supposedly wearing full plate armor but still showing only plain clothes, and thus decided to rework my original mod to at least grant him a minimal amount of visible armor. Of note, both normal and specular maps are included in this mod, for improved highlights on the chainmail (ie. texture and reflection).
Installation instructions:
If you don't have it yet, install Project Rebuild
Next, copy this mod's .pak file into <steamapps>\common\DRAGON QUEST XI S\Game\Content\Paks
(where <steamapps> is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\ depending on your installation )
-black34: Created the original mod
-Link4565: Undertook an immense amount of work in the creation of Project Rebuild. Making direct mod ports from the OG version now possible!