Dragon's Dogma 2
Lost the Bet

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    That's one way to audition for the local fire brigade.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      If Grim can carry a big lug like Keth around town then he is guaranteed to be hired lol :)
  2. deleted204512000
    • account closed
    • 10 kudos
    more pictures 😍 excellent job 
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you! Whenever I get into a new game, or a new character, I tend to post a lot as I get excited and enthusiastic ... and tend to over share lol. Anyhow there will be more coming :) Hopefully with little story bits as I like to do those.
    2. deleted204512000
      • account closed
      • 10 kudos
      You're Welcome. Great I love reading so keep em coming when I'm not pretend playing a Dragon or princess n baking something with my daughter Alistair (you read that right lol) Gaming and Reading are my thing. Looking forward to it :)
  3. SigynX1
    • premium
    • 66 kudos
    Fun story and the haircut looks great! I've been wondering if anything special happens when you buy a round of drinks. Is there some dialogue with the pawns?

    You have two very handsome men! :-)

    P.S. Loki loves free drinks. lol
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      They didn't get to the drinking as they got sidetracked with a mission and now are saving money but it is actually very high on my list to do - purely for RP reasons - once I save enough to cover it. As I mentioned elsewhere they need a very large sum in a short window of time so they are saving every gold they can right now.

      I am glad you like my guys. Honestly clever tongued Loki fits in perfect. He sees the friendly teasing between Grim and Keth, with Keth teasing about all the men and how they could use some women in the party while Grim in turn is trying to convince Keth to swing bat on the other team - or at least give it a try. So, Loki has a quick wit (like his namesake) and likes to make them both blush or even annoy in a friendly way with some clever jests. He fits right into the team.

      I'll make sure he gets his free drinks later too :)
    2. SigynX1
      • premium
      • 66 kudos
      Aww that is so nice that Loki fits in so well with your party. That description made me smile. :-) 

      I'll buy everyone a round the next time I hire Keth. I wanted to make sure that I sent him back with that present. I bought it special for him.
  4. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Either way, they get free drinks. My kind of wager. Good one.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you Laird :)

      The other two Pawns, Loki and Rafe (shared by others using the pawn system), just laugh at the antics of Grim and Keth. They are getting free drink, paid in gold, and plenty of loot so its a win-win for them most of the time ... except when Grim drags them into some scheme or mission over their head. But they are a loyal bunch and so far the only one who keeps "dying" is Grim, he is very protective of all his friends and sometimes forgets he is a shirtless rogue who is mean to strike fast and hard from the shadows, not run into the fray as some sort of crazy tank to rescue people.
  5. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 443 kudos
    Handsome Keth of Kethverse! 🖤 I love this haircut of him, is beautifully messy!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you Larys! I am so glad there is a barber in the city. His previous hair was more coifed and too refined for him. But in this world he was thrust into being a more noble knight so had to keep up appearances - that is until he ran into Grim who started dragging him into dubious schemes and running all over the place. Keth resisted for a little while, trying to keep decorum and morals in line ... but in his heart he envied Grim's freedom and eventually broke free of societies shackles and is letting his inner barbarian come out. He and Grim have a little bromance going on, very slow burn though and may or may not go anywhere. I rather like them being best bro's of sorts. I ramble. Thanks again!
  6. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    That's a really cool bet and with the added captures :))
    Game and guys looking excellent Jonathan .)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Having fun with it. In-game you can buy everyone in your party drinks at the tavern. So, I added my own little challenge and had Grim carry Keth around on his shoulder while sprinting across town, seeing if his stamina would hold out. I'm a goof ball :P

      Thank you Izzy!