Dragon's Dogma 2
Sky texture edits are possible

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Managed to edit the sky texture. Now I need to find a method that actually looks good and edit all 4 files instead of just that one and we can get rid of the pixelated sky. If you wonder why this is so difficult, there's 128 dds files' worth of data pasted one after the other inside a single dds file. It's some sort of animation apparently even though the sky does not look animated in-game.


  1. mad555
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Any progress on this boss? Was just playing.. observing the sky transition to night.. and indeed noticed the blurriness (max max gfx), and immediately checked for sky textures. Only found this link so far ^^

    Regarding your observation - there must be a reason for all those layers.. and there is definitely something going on as the clouds 'realistically' fade away and morph etc so there must be some funky business goin on.. mayhap you could retain that? would be a shame methinks. frak im playing this game too much xD

    I'm a graphic designer by trade.. avid gamer and love using mods.. if i can be of any assistance do tell ;)
    1. Owrocc
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      This one "blurs" the clouds.
      We can't upscale them or read the cloudscape2.sdf model so this is all I can do right now.