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About this mod

Displays a search bar in the REFramework menu that allows you to find items and add them to your inventory.

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Item Search Engine

This mod displays a search bar in the REFramework menu that allows you to find items and add them to your inventory. This mod is intended to be a more robust and a non-frustrating way of adding items to your inventory as you please, derived from the GainItem mod by xyzkljl1.

To use this mod, open the REFramework menu and go to Script Generated UI (at the bottom), and you will see Item Search Engine within. Click the dropdown button and you will see all the options.


To install the Item Search Engine mod into your game, follow these simple steps, via Fluffy Mod Manager:
  • Directly place the mod in Fluffy Mod Manager for automatic installation OR you can manually insert the mod into your Fluffy Mod Manager mods folder, such as: \Documents\Fluffy Mod Manager\Games\DragonsDogma2\Mods
  • Enable the mod within Fluffy Mod Manager.
Manual installation (Not recommended):
  • Drag and drop the REFramework folder into your Dragons Dogma 2 folder (merging with the existing REFramework folder), such as: \steamapps\common\Dragons Dogma 2\REFramework

  • Search Bar: Allows you to filter items by your search query.
  • Item Description: Shows an item description so you can get an idea of what the item is before adding it to your inventory.
  • Dropdown Menu: Lists all available items in the game.
  • Sort By: Lets you choose how to sort the dropdown list (by Item ID or Alphabetical).
  • Category Filter: Check or uncheck categories to only show items that match certain criteria.
  • Select Quantity: Allows you to choose the quantity you want to add at one time.