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  • Dungeon Dreams 2
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  • Reduced Skill JP Requirement

    Reduced Skill JP Requirement

    Last Update: 25 Oct 2023
    Author: Wisteria
    Uploader: wisteriana

    This mod reduces the JP required to learn skills by x5. (I.e skill that needed 1000JP only need 200.)I was going to change the rate of JP acquisition but I couldn't figure out how as I've never really modded before.

    • 592KB
    • 12
    • --

    Reduced Skill JP Requirement

    Last Update: 25 Oct 2023
    Author: wisteriana

    This mod reduces the JP required to learn skills by x5. (I.e skill that needed 1000JP only need 200.)I was going to change the rate of JP acquisition but I couldn't figure out how as I've never really modded before.