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KillerGremal slash F3

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About this mod

Changes monster levels while in game.

Permissions and credits
This mod can adjust the stats/level of monsters and of containers towards your
average party level (initially, usually when you are the first time on a new map),
however on longer terms each monster level will depend on the amount of monsters
you have encountered before on the current map (by default, specially a map-maker
has several options to influence this).
This mod is also able to provide a custom way to respawn monsters (official method:
http://web.archive.org/web/20120509124959/http://garage.gaspowered.com/?q=node/3389 )

Originally this mod was created for the Erthos Struggle map (by PacMadModder), meanwhile it can be activated for
almost all other maps too (for players and for mappers), there is even a way to
enable it on GPG's maps if wanted (but there only conditionally recommended).