User Interface
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Minimal HUD for more immersive gameplay.
miniHUD Enhanced Edition is a revamped heads-up display that makes Dying Light much more immersive.
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miniHUD Enhanced Edition is a revamped heads-up display that makes Dying Light much more immersive.
This mod changes the XBOX controller buttons to PS4 Dualshock ones.
This mode replaces Xbox buttons with Playstation 4 buttons!WARNING! This mod completely replace Xbox butons with PS4 buttons. I did this because Dying Light doesn't recognize Dualshock 4 v2 at all.
- 7.1MB
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This mode replaces Xbox buttons with Playstation 4 buttons!WARNING! This mod completely replace Xbox butons with PS4 buttons. I did this because Dying Light doesn't recognize Dualshock 4 v2 at all.
把游戏内的时间与现金数额实时显示在游戏界面(Display the time and cash amount within the game in real-time on the game interface.)
- 177KB
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把游戏内的时间与现金数额实时显示在游戏界面(Display the time and cash amount within the game in real-time on the game interface.)
Fixes narrow HUD on 21:9 resolutions.
Remove Skip Prompt For Cut Scenes
This is a simple mod whose lone purpose is to hide the annoying 'Hold Space to Skip' (or B if you're using a controller) during cut scenes where the prompt doesn't disappear or fade in the vanilla version of the game.
- 2.2MB
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Remove Skip Prompt For Cut Scenes
This is a simple mod whose lone purpose is to hide the annoying 'Hold Space to Skip' (or B if you're using a controller) during cut scenes where the prompt doesn't disappear or fade in the vanilla version of the game.
This Mod Is A Txt File That Changes Something Like The Name Of A WeaponRanks More I Have Changed Many Things In This Txt File I Hope Ya Enjoy It :D
- 396KB
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This Mod Is A Txt File That Changes Something Like The Name Of A WeaponRanks More I Have Changed Many Things In This Txt File I Hope Ya Enjoy It :D
Removes various elements of the user interface.
Dying Light Autowalker enables automatic walking or running forward so you can relaxed move forward with no need to press "w" constantly.Also very useful to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome.
- 380KB
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Dying Light Autowalker enables automatic walking or running forward so you can relaxed move forward with no need to press "w" constantly.Also very useful to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome.
new font for dyinglight that's looks cool
HUD Fix for 5:4 resolution (1280x1024) HP/map/level now at the top of the screen,not in the middle. crosshair position tweakined.
- 64KB
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HUD Fix for 5:4 resolution (1280x1024) HP/map/level now at the top of the screen,not in the middle. crosshair position tweakined.
Update Violet Hunter V2 with RGB ELEMENTS!!!
for PC XBOX360 Pad user & Dying ligth original version Lt. trigger -> firearm Aim action. Lt. thumb button -> Sonar impulse. A button -> Jump. Rt. thumb buttion -> use equipement
- 4KB
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for PC XBOX360 Pad user & Dying ligth original version Lt. trigger -> firearm Aim action. Lt. thumb button -> Sonar impulse. A button -> Jump. Rt. thumb buttion -> use equipement
Reduces the cursor's size.
Before anything, credits to Nexer for helping me( to find the right apps and other helpful hints). It took me 2 days to make ;D
- 146KB
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Before anything, credits to Nexer for helping me( to find the right apps and other helpful hints). It took me 2 days to make ;D
Completely removes the game chat. A mod for those who want to avoid the toxicity and complaints from the childish pvp community.
- 167KB
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Completely removes the game chat. A mod for those who want to avoid the toxicity and complaints from the childish pvp community.
Hides the save notification icon in the bottom right corner of HUD.