DL2 Economy Overhaul - Fair prices for resources and gear. All resources and Infected Trophies for sale at the Craft Master in high amounts. Valuables sell for more gold. Increased loot de-spawn timer and decreased dismantling timer plus more.
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About this mod
A complete economy overhaul editing what resources are available, the prices of those resources as well as the gold you can make from selling items, weapons, armor, valuables and resources have all been changed to create a balanced economy.
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In this economy mod offloading gear and weapons will most likely be your primary source of revenue. Valuables still sell for five times more however if you completely ignore the mechanic of selling gear/weapons you do not need to the merchant you will run into gold issues eventually.
Prices have been altered and changed around the assumption that the players will be offloading useless gear, weapons and valuables along the way in attempts to create a more realistic and balanced economy.
I will be testing and balancing and updating the prices of items as I go, to try and keep it as fair as possible. I want players to be incentivised to farm, but still be able to pay for resources if they have sold a decent amount of equipment and valuables. If anyone has suggestions, or different things they want me to add in or remove let me know.
All you need to do to play with your friends while using this mod is to make sure that your friends also have this mod. It works with all events and is updated to the latest version.
Right so after you download the file, you will need to extract the rar file to get Data2.pak. Winrar is a good program to do this with, which you can download for free at https://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0.
After you have extracted the rar file to get Data2.pak; drag it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dying Light 2\ph\source and just drop it in there. If for some reason that is not where your install folder is, just remember that once you find your steam folder, it will be in steamapps>common>Dying Light 2>ph>source. However for the majority of people you just be able to copy and paste in the search bar in file explorer, hit enter and then drag the data2.pak file over.
If you have other mods you want to download and add then just rename it to DataX.pak. X being whatever number comes next. So if you have data2.pak already, rename the next mod you want to install to data3.pak and so on and so forth.
All resources available at higher prices and higher quantiles at the craftmaster.
All loot will stay on the ground as a loot bag for 24hrs as long as you do not leave the area, as it does have a despawn radius.
Prices of valuables increased by 5x.
Inhibitors will now also show on your map radar when you are within 25 meters of the inhibitor. Gone are the days of being within 5 feet and not knowing which fucking building it is located in. If you guys think this number should be lowered let me know. You can also see and mark them if you zoom in on the map. That's not a feature I can really turn off or else I wouldn't have included it. I did however make it require zooming in to a fair degree, so it also something you will not notice or deal with unless you go out of your way to zoom in and mark it on your own agenda.
You get 75% the value of anything you sell to vendors. Instead of just 1 or 2 gold for something that costs 15k.
Also made it so you can drop or sell most of everything like the dlc items and ammo.
Oh I also increased the dismantling speed massively to 5 milliseconds. Forgot about that one.
PK Crossbow added to merchants at PK buildings shoutout to https://www.nexusmods.com/dyinglight2/mods/236 for the inspiration, copied over his modifications over to my file to add it in.
Binoculars have been changed after a week of messing with it. Bigger target area and faster spot time, plus increased distances to what you can spot.
Added in this mod into it as well https://www.nexusmods.com/dyinglight2/mods/471?tab=files from Stygian Emperor which basically makes it so you force open chests or doors without having to spam F.
Version out now with No Screen Clutter and No Post Processing. From https://www.nexusmods.com/dyinglight2/mods/31?tab=files AND https://www.nexusmods.com/dyinglight2/mods/45?tab=description from shawnikaros and Nbk11231 added in.
Right so besides winrar you will also need Notepad++ which can be downloaded for free at https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/.
To remove the graphical features get rid of renderloop, gpufx under data2.pak. As well as varlist_screen_drops.scr, varlist_game.scr, varlist.scr under scripts under data2.pak. That will get rid of both the screen clutter mod as well as the post processing mod.
To remove Inhibitors showing on the radar when you are within 25 meters of them, remove locations.scr under scripts.
To remove the aspect of forcing open chests without having to spam F get rid of sync_actions_interactions.def under scripts.
To remove the Binocular changes get rid of detectablesconfig.scr under scripts.
To remove loot changes so loot doesn't stay for 24hrs and only stays for 5 minutes get rid of containers_object_type.def under inventory under scripts.
To remove the dismantling changes get rid of dismantleparams.scr under inventory under scripts.
To remove or edit how much of a value you get for reselling gear, such as getting 75 percent of the value of what that item would be sold for, get rid of all price parameters in inventory under scripts.
To edit prices of valuables or resources or revert to default get rid of inventory.scr or change it to your liking; this will also get rid the ability to drop and sell dlc items. This is under inventory under scripts.
Under trading is shop_assortment.scr and shop_item_sets.scr which is under scripts, both of these files constitute the shop changes. Both need to be edited to match or both need to be removed, if you plan to either revert or edit the shop mechanics.