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Original upload

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RGB Nexus

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1 comment

  1. RGBNexus
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    It seems the moderators took down my OP Modpack due to using someone else's mod, Which is a complete lie, I recently just started doing DL2 SCR file Editing so I had no information on how to do it, So what I did is I would download others mods to search through the SCR files to see what they changed and how it worked, I never stole someones Mod or code or anything all I did was try to figure out what it did and what was in the files, I used my own files from Data 0 from the ground up, Editing the files for hours or Days, Because someone didn't like the fact my mod did the same thing like 90% of Nexus Mod do, everyone has their own iteration of a specific mod that they upload but mine was apparently not making someone happy