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Makes the Camera Shake on Hit fade in quicker, last shorter and be subtler.
RGB's Infinite -Stamina- -Durability- -Ammo- -Arrows- -Throwables- 1.21.4
ONLY WORKS IN EASY, HARD AND NIGHTMAREdoes what the name applies, gives you Infinite Stamina, Durability, Ammo, Arrows and ThrowablesAll Throwables now stack to 9999, because there is no actual option to make infinite throwables, they are also free to craft (They are not free for upgrades)
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RGB's Infinite -Stamina- -Durability- -Ammo- -Arrows- -Throwables- 1.21.4
ONLY WORKS IN EASY, HARD AND NIGHTMAREdoes what the name applies, gives you Infinite Stamina, Durability, Ammo, Arrows and ThrowablesAll Throwables now stack to 9999, because there is no actual option to make infinite throwables, they are also free to craft (They are not free for upgrades)
Hello, I present the developer's menu, which I think will help others in obtaining the craftplan, the developer itself works on one page.
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Hello, I present the developer's menu, which I think will help others in obtaining the craftplan, the developer itself works on one page.
RGB's Infinite Stamina Mod 1.21.4
Does what the name applies, it also works for Tower RaidsONLY WORKS IN EASY, HARD AND NIGHTMARE
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RGB's Infinite Stamina Mod 1.21.4
Does what the name applies, it also works for Tower RaidsONLY WORKS IN EASY, HARD AND NIGHTMARE
Viledor is actually overruned by all types of infected.Volatiles and Tyrants are always inside buildings during the day and they coming out at night.All type of infected during day,howler pricks are kids again,monsters are bigger as they should be,.At night Volatiles,Tyrants and Howlers start chase and roam the Viledor.Banshee roam at night.
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Viledor is actually overruned by all types of infected.Volatiles and Tyrants are always inside buildings during the day and they coming out at night.All type of infected during day,howler pricks are kids again,monsters are bigger as they should be,.At night Volatiles,Tyrants and Howlers start chase and roam the Viledor.Banshee roam at night.
RGB's Enhanced Vanilla Modpack 1.21.4
This Modpack is for ones who want Mods but feel that most Modpacks either change way too much or make itwhere it doesn't feel legit anymore and feels like you're Cheating with basically infinite Health, Stamina, or Crafting Items,all this Modpack does is create a sense of feeling that you're actually making progress a lot Faster
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RGB's Enhanced Vanilla Modpack 1.21.4
This Modpack is for ones who want Mods but feel that most Modpacks either change way too much or make itwhere it doesn't feel legit anymore and feels like you're Cheating with basically infinite Health, Stamina, or Crafting Items,all this Modpack does is create a sense of feeling that you're actually making progress a lot Faster
Mod Pack for personal use
RGB's Infinite Ammo and Arrows Mod 1.21.4
Does what the title Says gives you infinite ammo for all Guns, Bows and CrossbowsNothing else is modified everything else is Strictly Vanilla GameplayTHIS PACK WAS SPECIFICALLY ASKED FOR BY dominatorek123
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RGB's Infinite Ammo and Arrows Mod 1.21.4
Does what the title Says gives you infinite ammo for all Guns, Bows and CrossbowsNothing else is modified everything else is Strictly Vanilla GameplayTHIS PACK WAS SPECIFICALLY ASKED FOR BY dominatorek123
999 Ammo Stacks (Game Version 1.21.3p)
Stacks ammo in 999 instead of 60 as an example for rifles.
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999 Ammo Stacks (Game Version 1.21.3p)
Stacks ammo in 999 instead of 60 as an example for rifles.
RGB Nexus's XP and Inhibitor Mod 1.21.4
EASY, HARD and NIGHTMARE ONLYalso it replaces these Variables so if you have mods using them this will unfortunately overwrite themplayer_variables.scrplayer_variables_easy.scrplayer_variables_hard.scrplayer_variables_nightmare.scrprogressionactions.scr
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RGB Nexus's XP and Inhibitor Mod 1.21.4
EASY, HARD and NIGHTMARE ONLYalso it replaces these Variables so if you have mods using them this will unfortunately overwrite themplayer_variables.scrplayer_variables_easy.scrplayer_variables_hard.scrplayer_variables_nightmare.scrprogressionactions.scr