Monthly Roundup - February 2025

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It’s another Monthly Roundup. I know February is a shorter month, but it really has flown by. We’ve even had a bit of sunshine lately, so we’ve all been buzzing at the prospect of Spring and (hopefully) fewer rainy days ahead. 

Anyway, a little shorter this month whilst we’re busy working away on some big things, but here it is!

Mod Browsing Open Beta 
A big thank you from us to everyone who has engaged with the open beta and sent their feedback. Overall, it’s been incredibly positive, which we’re pleased to see.

Here is an overview of the feedback responses that we have received via the feedback pop-ups on each of the pages which were changed. 

Game listing pages scored 4.4/5 (113 responses)
Mod listing pages scored 4.3/5 (756 responses)
Game home pages scored 4.0/5 (1,219 responses)

Off the back of the feedback we’ve received from you all, we’ve been hard at work updating features, fixing bugs and optimising performance. Here’s a quick rundown of what we have been up to:

The Reworked Quick search is being rolled out across the different types of content on the site. You can see this for Mods, Collections, Games, Images and Videos. User search and a combination of the above that searches for all content is coming soon!

The image and Video Listing pages have been updated to match the new mod listing pages.

  • The "Tags" filter on mod listing pages (e.g. now includes all applicable tags (previously limited to 100).
  • Fixed a bug that caused page titles to vanish when viewing open beta pages.
  • "View all" links on game home pages now correctly link to all content and respect your site preferences (i.e. default sort order and results per page).
  • Opening search results in a new browser tab now works as expected and keeps the current tab (and search UI) open.
  • Fixed an issue when filtering mods by categories, which now works and no longer incorrectly returns zero results.
  • Mod tiles now correctly show the number of downloads.
  • Added 'Downloaded' and 'Update Available' labels to mod tiles in the 'Trending Mods' section and the search UI.
  • Removed supporter (NSFW) images from the Media section on game home pages.
  • The Media section on game home pages now respects your blocked content settings (i.e. blocked authors).
  • Fixed a bug causing error pages to return when running a search on mobile with the open beta enabled.

We have even more improvements on the way, which we hope will be ready very soon. Keep an eye on the forum post for more details when they become available.

A new ‘Mod Author Benefits’ page is now live, explaining how authors benefit from uploading to Nexus. We’re already pointing to this new page in our beta on the upload a mod modal and below the filter search.

Tech Talk
  • Production cluster: Set up a second production cluster for global load balancing and failover. This reduces risk when making changes, allowing us to roll out and test updates without impacting users.
  • Security fixes: Addressed several exploits and security vulnerabilities reported through our open bug bounty program.

Eww, Bugs
  • User profiles: Viewing profiles with invalid usernames now correctly returns an error.
  • Add Collection button: Now functions properly, regardless of how many times you press it.
  • Classic game home pages: No longer display the site header and footer within the 'More Mods' section.
  • Account settings errors: Feedback errors that went missing have now been restored.
  • Archived mod files: Files visible in the archived section of mod pages are now correctly showing the details after these briefly disappeared.
  • Donation Points display: Mods blocked from earning Donation Points now correctly show that status on their page in the Permissions expander.

As always, keep your feedback coming; we’ll bring more updates next month!


  1. Iluviel
    • Product Manager
    • 15 kudos
    Mod Browsing Overhaul Rollout

    You may have noticed that some pages on the site are looking a little different than what you are used to. At the end of last week (6th March), we concluded Open Beta for these changes.

    Over the next few weeks, we will be rolling these updates out to you to ensure there are minimal disruptions to your use of the site. For more information, please see the announcement regarding this.
  2. TheBlackKnight3000
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    i don't mind it, its a jarring change but not the worst, However I find pages to be REALLY laggy at times I don't know what's up with it makes it near unusable at times
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I just want to go back an update, It's like the site has lost all of it's character and soul. Now it's just
    more minimalistic modern garbage, and I HATE the new seach bar, who though a giant pop-up was a good idea?
  4. WileCoyote68
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    Ugly and tiring on the eye. The site gets less attractive with every visual update
    1. Yakkobaufcincy
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
  5. StarScream1947
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    looks horrible
  6. Lollia
    • premium
    • 300 kudos
    I logged in today with the specific intention to update four different mods, create their changelogs, edit their description pages, and monitor their comment sections. I am logging off without even beginning the process because the contrast from this site update is so unbearable to my eyes.

    At this point, I do not want to even imagine what it must be like to create a brand new mod page--the setup of which can take up to three hours if you are anything like me. If this is how the looks of this website are intended to stay, I think those days of dedicated formatting and information delivery are behind me. I am wincing in pain just while typing this.
  7. MegaMasterSword
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Hey Nexus team. Thank you for the updates, might I ask, is it possible to reduce the contrasts or potentially reverse the updates that were made to the site? 

    Whilst I, and i'm sure most of us, appreciate the time taken for the updates, it's quite painful on the eyes with the new graphical updates; in the quite literal sense - the contrast seems to have been radically changed, and some of the other overhauls of the buttons and various UI features seem to be of a lesser quality then what was previous.

    Thank you kindly.

    - Shepard
  8. Zoroastre
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    This is not enjoyable to read, every game looks the same, which is confusing at a glance for any game with a remaster like skyrim and skyrim se.
    If this is an attempt at one single appearance for the nexus corporation, this is a fail.
  9. dryer3
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    how do i switch to classic, it auto added me to the beta, and i want to switch back, and cant find out how, i dont see any banner that says to switch back to the classic ui
    1. Squirrel97
      • premium
      • 125 kudos
    2. UMP45GFL
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Really? That sucks. The entire thing feels too simplified, and I can't figure out why but it hurts my eyes.
  10. HobbieHobgoblin
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    The current redesign is very hard on my eyes. I don't know exactly what elements, maybe the new colors and the font or something? Either way it's beginning to genuinely hurt. I (and presumably others) will not be able to use your site for long with this design.
  11. DAOWAce
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    Classic site feedback:

    Images should not be automatically scaled (zoomed) to fit more of the window if they're smaller.  It ruins the image quality.  There's also no function to click the image to scale it back to its normal size; you're forced to open it raw.

    I should not have to point this out either; it should've been obvious to the person who decided to make this change.

    Subjectively, I don't like the contrast of the new theme.  It's slightly too dark making text harder to read, mod tabs more invisible, and the buttons look weird; overall it's a bit harsh and leads to some eye tracking issues which I'm suffering right now.   It's also, as other people have said, removed the unique color schemes of many mod pages that the site has had for over 15 years, so it's just outright weird to long time members.

    So long as redesigns remain optional in the development process, feedback will never be that complete as many users will simply keep using the current design until it goes up in smoke.  But, I'm just glad the classic site still exists even with these changes... for now.

    Edit: There's also some weird issue where if you search for "image" anywhere on the mod page it highlights 2 invisible boxes.