Merry Modding Days - 2024

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I know, I know, that time of year is still over a month away. Halloween was only a couple of weeks ago, and anyone else in the UK has probably only just heard the last of the fireworks after burning effigies last week. Still, we wanted to give you all as much of a heads-up as we could about this latest modding event from the Merry Modding Days team.

Those of you in the Fallout 4 community will be excited to learn that Merry Modding Days is making a return! For anyone who has no idea what I’m talking about, here’s the lowdown: 

This year, it’ll be open to the following games:

  • Skyrim (both Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition)
  • Fallout (any of the games)
  • Starfield

Depending on the level of interest and submissions the team receive, each day in December they will release one (or several) mods or other media submitted by the Bethesda modding community, in an advent calendar format. Here’s last year’s advent calendar as an example of what to expect.

A new website will be launched for Merry Modding Days shortly before the start of the calendar, so we’ll be sure to pin a comment to this announcement once it’s live.

If you’d like to create something for this festive event, it’s open to everyone. Submit your idea here, and be sure to join their Discord for more updates. If you have any questions, please feel free to direct them to GreenFoxel (same username on Discord) and VetaPhoenix (same username on Discord).

We’ll also be hosting the Merry Modding Days team on our new Twitch channel when they’re streaming during the event. So make sure to give us and them a follow so you get notified!


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  1. SlugGirl
    • Content Manager
    • 68 kudos
    This year's Merry Modding Days website and calendar are live, you can find them here!
  2. a1racer
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    this years even turned out nice lots of great mods for a bunch of games i like.
  3. JamesLionheart
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Oh god I can already hear the distant bells and the faint peppermint fragrance indicating Mariah Carey's impending return from her thawing ice-block throne

    Welp, might as well get started on dusting off the ol' Fallout 4 again!
    1. lmstearn
      • premium
      • 28 kudos

      All I Want For Christmas Is ... A Mod!?

       There's also the Twelve Days of Xmas, so complete the following verse:
      On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me
      A game for a modding bee
      ... ?
    2. VetaPhoenix
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      lmfao... that'd be awesome. Try to make it happen!!! If you're not a modder, start writing a story up and find someone who can implement it on the Collective Modding discord server ;)
    3. spacefiddle
      • premium
      • 164 kudos
      ASK, AND YE SHALL RECEIVE aka be careful what you wish for :D

      On the twelfth day of Christmas,
      my true love gave to me
      Twelve devs debugging,
      Eleven quest-givers,
      Ten modern weapons,
      Nine more companions,
      Eight new locations,
      Seven missing textures,
      Six players playing,
      Fiiiiiive carry-weight riiiiiiings,
      Four modding nerds,
      Three Boston Fens,
      Two magic gloves,
      And a gaaaaame for a mod-diiiing beeeeee!

    4. PernicketyJon
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Bravo Spacefiddle! Your 'word-smithing' is impressive.
  4. SCARaw
    • premium
    • 259 kudos
    i made this:
    can i join please?
  5. kateaces
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    It's the moooooost wonderful tiiiime of the yeeear!
  6. LisbethSAO
    • supporter
    • 350 kudos

    Woo, can't wait to see what everyone cook's up!  \o/  ♥  :)
  7. a1racer
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    happy to see this come back i know they worked hard to make this happen last year and we got some great releases each day.
  8. Karna5
    • premium
    • 328 kudos
    Please forgive my lack of understanding, SlugGirl. I read by extrapolation, not by letters. Are the mods in question going to be released through Nexus Mods or through Creation Club? I watched the film and did my best to read the article, but I couldn't figure it out. Thanks.
    1. IsakTR
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Last year was mostly uploaded to Nexus, except some days which featured some non-mod items like the Concord Stories trailer and Erika's Festive animation. I have no reason to believe this year will be different. Last year, I saw them posted through the Concord stories website ( and I assume that'll be the case here too, although don't quote me on that
    2. SlugGirl
      • Content Manager
      • 68 kudos
      Hey Karna5, no worries that's a great question!

      I just checked quickly with VetaPhoenix and there'll be at least one that is only on However, everything else will be here on Nexus Mods. It'll be free mods only, none of the creation club or creations mods are allowed.
    3. Karna5
      • premium
      • 328 kudos
      Thank you for the explanations, SlugGirl and IsakTR. While cheer is something of an alien concept to me, I'm tremendously intrigued and eager to see what people create with this event. *Bows*
    4. VetaPhoenix
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Make sure you check out the ones people made last year. They were incredible and you can still add them to your games this year if you want to do a Holiday themed playthrough :)
  9. redridinghood89
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I love this initiative! Thank you all for your hard work.
    1. VetaPhoenix
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      You are very welcome! We just love spreading cheer :)
  10. Moksha8088
    • supporter
    • 121 kudos
    I look forward to Pentatonix' "A Very Merry Nexus".
  11. 0xShelby
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Wow, I am loving these mods! The Christmas bat, the Christmasy power armor and especially the Christmas Pip-Boy! These are so creative and really cool looking! Can't wait to be a part of this! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!