About this mod
Allows you to use console commands, without it disabling achievements.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Note: Commands with [bool] are enabled and disabled with a 1 or 0. Ex. ShowDebugHud 1 turns the debug HUD on. Apologies for the lack of a table. Sadly the BBCode for it is disabled on this site, and apparently we're not allowed to edit the wiki.
- AcceptMothersPaintings | Adds quests in your journal for the paintings your mother requested.
- AddInspiration [number] | Adds the given number of inspiration.
- ApproachPlayer | Causes the nearest NPC to walk toward you.
- Barking | Unsure. Something related to conversations.
- CamLookSmoothing [number] | Sets smoothing amount for camera.
- ClearBoolTokens | Clears all bool tokens (event flags).
- ClearInventory | Removes all items from your inventory.
- CountBoolTokens | Shows count of how many registered bool tokens there are.
- DropItem [item] | Drops one of the entered item. For items with spaces in the name, remove the spaces. Make sure to capitalize each word. Ex. DropItem LyndowianBrew for the item Lyndowian Brew.
- EnableCheats | Enables cheats. Not necessary with my mod, and if you do enable it, you will be unable to receive any more achievements on this save.
- EndConversation | Ends current conversation.
- EndStorm | Ends all storms.
- ExtremeGraphicsPreset | Sets graphics to Extreme setting. Lod bias to 8, Shadow distance to 700, Load distance mode to extreme, Occlusion culling disabled.
- Fly [bool] | Enable and disable fly mode.
- Fog [bool] | Enable and disable fog.
- FollowMe | Causes nearest NPC to follow you.
- FreezeTime [bool] | Freezes time.
- GetBool [string] | Returns the bool state of the given token. Ex. GetBool "enable_cheats".
- GetFlyerPlacement | Apparently returns the location of the air balloon flyer. (No idea what that is yet.).
- GiveAllItems | Give 50 of every item.
- GiveEverything | Gives every schematic, and 50 of every item.
- GiveItem [string] [amount] | Gives item. For items with spaces in the name, remove the spaces. Make sure to capitalize each word. Ex. GiveItem LyndowianBrew 5 gives you 5 Lyndowian Brew.
- GiveSchematic [string] | Gives the schematic entered. Ex. GiveSchematic ReedBoat.
- GiveTopic [string] | Gives entered topic.
- HangEndingPaintings | I assume it gives you paintings that you get when you complete the game or some such.
- InitializeNpcs [npc] | Initializes an NPC. Dunno what it does exactly.
- Interactivity [bool] | Enable/disable interactivity for all objects in the game.
- InvokeEsEvent [string] | Invokes an event.
- LogTopics [string] | Returns a list of which topics are available for use in conversations.
- Motherload | Gives 1000 glowstones.
- NoClip [bool] | Enable/disable no-clip mode (go through walls and ground. Caution: If you turn this on before Fly, you will fall endlessly through the ground (unless you pause).
- NoTutorialPrompts [bool] | Set to 1 to disable tutorial prompts, 0 to enable prompts.
- OcclusionCulling [bool] | Enable/disable occlusion culling.
- QuestLog [string] | Adds an entry to the quest log. Doesn't seem useful for actually giving oneself a quest.
- RemoveAllTopics | Removes all topics.
- ResetSteamAchievements | Resets Steam achievements. You probably shouldn't do this.
- SaveLock [bool] | Locks/unlocks a save. I assume it stops the save from being written.
- SetBoolToken [string] [bool] | Enables/disables given token. Ex. SetBoolToken "enable_cheats" 0
- SetCameraSway [number] | Sets amount of camera sway.
- SetFoV | Sets FOV.
- SetLanguage [string] | Sets game language.
- SetLoadDistanceMode [number] | Sets load distance mode.
- SetLodBias [number] | Set LoD bias.
- SetSchedule [string] [string] | Sets schedule for given NPC.
- SetShadowDistance [number] | Sets shadow distance.
- SetTime [number] | Sets time.
- SetTimeScale [ number] | Sets time scale.
- SetWalkSpeed [number] | Sets walk speed.
- ShowBoolValue [string] | Exactly the same as GetBool.
- ShowDebugHud [bool] | Enable/disable debug HUD. HUD shows time of day, FPS, and a few other things.
- ShowHud [bool] | Enable/disable HUD.
- SkipIntro [bool] | Skip intro.
- SmoothFly [bool] | Enable/disable smooth fly mode.
- SmoothFlySpeed [number] | Sets speed for smooth fly mode.
- SmoothWalk [bool] | Enable/disable smooth walk mode. Note: Not recommended, the camera is buggy.
- StartStorm [string] | Starts given storm.
- StopMusic | Stops music.
- TimeOfDayNudge [bool] | Enables "time of day nudge mode". Press [ or ] after entering this command to change the time of day.
- TurnAround | Causes nearest NPC to face you.
- UnlockDoor | Unlocks nearest door.
- WarpToGameObject [string] | Warps to entered object. Don't use quotation marks. Use spaces. Works with Lyndow City, Nava (though under the ground), don't know what other options there are.
- WarpToLyndow | Warps to the courtyard in Lyndow.
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