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Version 6.0DLC
Version 5.9DLC
update for version at 2024/10/2
Version 5.8DLC
update for version at 2024/9/11
Version 5.7DLC
update for version at 2024/8/8
Version 5.6DLC
update for version at 2024/7/30
Version 5.5DLC
update for version 1.12.4
Version 5.4DLC
reworked, edit NPC Attack damage data to reduce damage instead of buggy ClearCorrectCountParam
Version 5.2DLC
Re-enabled "Lategame Damage Fix"(thanks to Admiral30!)
Version 5.0
supported latest game version(1.12) and maybe DLC(not confirmed yet)
Version 3.1
Supported Game ver 1.10.1
Version 3.0
Supported Game Ver 1.10
Changed tool for modding to DSmapStudio
Removed Lategame Damage Fix
Support latest game version !!!(and maybe DLC...)
Version 2.8
Supported Game ver 1.09.1
Version 2.7
Supported Game ver 1.09
Version 2.6
Supported Game ver 1.08.1
Version 2.5
Supported Game ver 1.08
Version 2.4.1
Supported Game ver 1.07.1
Version 2.4
Supported Game ver 1.07
Version 2.3
Supported Game ver 1.06
Version 2.2
Supported Game ver 1.05
Version 2.1
Supported Game ver 1.04.1
Version 2.0
Supported Game ver 1.04
Version 1.9
Supported Latest Game ver 1.03.2
changed 10x rune structure.
Version 1.7
Merged Lategame Damage Fix by coldpaintedash(thanks!!!!)
Version 1.6hotfix
I missed anything, damage is too reduced.
Part of parameter is restored previous version.
Version 1.6
I found different damage amount is activated each Enemys, I edited all as same values.
Add 2x effect of Flask of Crimson/Cerulean Tears for default Easy Mode.
Re-Created from latest Game file.
"Demigod mode" renamed to "Personal Edit" again.(Demigod was said too much.)
Version 1.5
Support Game v.1.03.2 hotfix
Version 1.4.2
Changed approach for "10x rune" again
All enemy have 10x rune.
Version 1.4.1
When I play actually, I hadn't felt "Demigod Mode" is do so "Demigod". so changed start(Lv1 all status 50), and spell never require any status.
Version 1.4
Merged all version in 1 files.
Changed approach for "10x rune" Known issue: Boss rune doesn't increase.
Merged: INVISIBLE ENEMIES BUG FIX(thanks to ReTerandil)
Version 1.0
initial release
***Hotfix 1.12.2 and DLC support***
***Please Use This mod at only offline mode!!!!!***
Make the game becomes easier for frustrated gamers.
Prepared 3 Version:
"Damage Edit Only" version
reduce 50% Damage. 2X Player Hit Radious 2x Crimson/Cerulean Tears Heal Increased Weapon Scaling by status
"Damage Tweak + 10x Rune(and 2x Flask heal)" version
reduce 50% Damage.
reduce 50% Damage. 10x Rune 2X Player Hit Radious 2x Crimson/Cerulean Tears Heal Increased Weapon Scaling by status Weapon reinforcement only required 1 material.
"Personal Edit" Version
reduce 50% Damage. 10x Rune 2X Player Hit Radious 2x Crimson/Cerulean Tears Heal Weapon reinforcement only required 1 material. No Weapon/Armor/Accessary Weight No FP Cost of Magic/Buddy Ashes/Skills Increased Weapon Scaling by status Starting status +10 of all Item Discovery is always 500 All disease are healed fast(10000pt/s)