About this mod
Challenge Mod for Promised Consort Radahn, which increases the difficulty of the Final Boss of the DLC.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
This is my first ever mod, in which I thought of making after fighting Consort Radahn several times, both pre-nerf and nerfed version. My main goal is to try making Promised Consort similar if not harder than the pre-nerf Promised Consort in difficulty, as well as maximizing the things that can potentially make the bossfight more enjoyable. Also try utilizing some other evasive strategies like jumping cause you’ll need it at points of the fight. Trust me.
Also I advise you to beat the original fight first before playing this mod.
Note that this is the final version of the mod, unless there are new patch releases for the game where hotfixes needed to be made.
Changes to the bossfight:
1. Health and Poise of Promised Consort Radahn is increased. Reduced Poise Regeneration and increased stamina and poise damage.
2. Cross Slash is faster but adjusted to make it avoidable.
3. Parrying gameplay changes. The number of parries required to stagger the boss is increased. Increased parried animation speed, meaning Radahn can counterattack faster if he gets parried. Attacks where Radahn uses both blades at the same time to hit the player are no longer parryable, meaning only 1 handed strikes can be parried. Changed some moves that Radahn follows up to after he gets parried.
4. Radahn is more aggressive than in pre-nerf, as some of his one-move or two-move attacks are now chained to a different move.
5. Starcaller Cry and Lightspeed Slash combo starter (1 hand slam variant) has AI modifications.
6. Added more Bloodflame attacks.
7. Some of Radahn’s Phase 2 attacks are buffed, requiring a more precise evasion maneuver.
8. Buffed the lightspeed clones.
9. Meteor Attack revamp, and a surprise that comes after.
10. Miquella has the ability to cure Radahn from status ailments. Miquella at a point of the fight will gift Radahn with his "Gift of Abundance", which heals Radahn upon applying and makes him immune to poison, frostbite and rot for the rest of the fight.
11. Radahn has the Lord of Blood’s Exultation buff if hemorrhage is applied to any entity during the fight, just like Mohg.
12. Boss Health Bar name is changed to "Inner Consort".
Quality of Life Additions:
1. Added a feature where you can resurrect Consort Radahn after you defeat him. Interact with Miquella’s Sign close to the Site of Grace before the Boss Arena to resurrect the boss.
2. Japanese, Chinese (Both Traditional and Simplified) and French Language Support (Changes the boss healthbar label and adds the text for the boss resurrection feature).
The other changes are listed in the changelogs
Tester's Note:
All of Radahn's moves are tested with a medium roll setup without any crucible talismans and all of them are dodgeable.
How to Install:
(Not really the best way for me to explain it but that’s pretty much the gist if it)
1. Go to files from the Nexus page and download the mod from there.
2. Download Mod Engine 2 if you don’t have it.
3. Extract the modded files and drag the modded files into a file in the Mod Engine 2 folder called “mod”.
Special Thanks
- Beleh, the creator of After the Shattering mod, and Mihai, for helping me get started with modding.
- MihalYK for helping me out with the Golden Aura for the planned 3rd Phase.
- Fellow paytesters: Ertz, Regulus, Fersss, and Let Me Tank Him for playtesting the mod for me. I really, really appreciate the help.
- Math for helping me with the French Language support.
- mrsakana266, the creator of Promised Consort Radahn Overhaul, for helping me out with FLVER Studio and one of the new effects for Radahn’s blades.
The Hitless Hall of Fame
Here are the people who managed to beat Inner Consort Radahn without taking a single hit:
- chrome
- Ongbal
- Promised Consort Mathishian
- Tarnished Elden King
- ooloh
- Lu Win Kre
- Pitoy
- Blacckestt
- Fafa Sauce
- Nathan
- Unknown Creature
- zander
- Sweeney82
If you enjoyed my work, feel free to support me on ko-fi or Patreon. I also post other things other than my modding stuff there.
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thebluehood35
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thebluehood35