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A brilliant way of how to safely inject Unlimited Stamina into your Jax and then remove it at any time with the help of scripting. Your save only needs to be loaded once with the mod.
Mod Merging Guide - The guide is back! Genome requires you to merge all your mods into one .pak file. - Otherwise, individual mods will overwrite themselves by the file types they contain (with some exceptions). - When querying for overwritten files, prioritize those with a more recent date. Some files (.hdr and sometimes others) need to be merged internally. - E2's DX12 won't load modded Textures, Meshes, while DX11 will. 1) Download elexresman/elex2resman. 2) Drag each mod .pak file onto elexresman/elex2resman to unpack it. Press * to unpack all files. 3) Merge all unpacked folders. Drag the merged folder onto elexresman/elex2resman to pack it. Press 1. 4) Place the merged .pak in the /data/packed folder. E2 has DX11 and DX12 /packed folders.