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About this mod

Adds characters from the Megaman Battle Network series as playable choices in game.

Permissions and credits
It might work for current builds of the game, but I have no intention of updating it further nor fixing it if it breaks. I'm likely to not even test the new versions.

I.E., if you use it and it breaks, I told you so.

If anyone wishes to take it over or even just wants to look at the source, message me here or on Discord.

Adds characters from the Megaman Battle Network series as playable choices in game.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Current included characters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- MegaMan.EXE
- Roll.EXE
- Numberman.EXE
- Colonel.EXE
- Protoman.EXE
- Serenade.EXE
- Bass.EXE
- Searchman.EXE
- Medi.EXE
- HeelNavi
- Aquaman.EXE
- Eraseman.EXE
- Gutsman.EXE
- Tenguman.EXE
- Tomahawkman.EXE
- Woodman.EXE
- Fireman.EXE
- Elecman.EXE
- Shadowman.EXE
- Videoman.EXE
- Starman.EXE
- Plantman.EXE
- Gateman.EXE
- Shademan.EXE
- Skullman.EXE
- Cosmoman.EXE
- NormalNavi
- Norm-Chan
- BassCross MegaMan
- Starforce Megaman
- Harp Note
- Tango
- Mettaur


Unlock conditions:
Now ingame! Also, with the exceptions of Bass, Serenade and a couple other special ones, they can all be bought in the shop if they're too hard or tedious to unlock!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Planned features~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- More characters, such as Heatman.EXE, Iceman.EXE, etc...!
- Possible campaign chapters for unlocking characters, rather than just unlocking them normally.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Contact us!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Found a bug? Have some feedback? Want to suggest something? Feel free to message me on Discord, or contact me via Twitter! (Discord will be faster though.)
Discord server: Blackjack#8395
Twitter: @BlackjackMKV

Capcom for making Megaman Battle Network. (This mod is not affiliated with or associated with them. Likenesses of their characters under Fair Use and all that.)
OuroYisus for helping with custom sprites for Norm-Chan, Mega's sync ring, and more!
RustyOlCodger for helping design some of Roll's custom animations.
BountyXSnipe for helping with Aquaman's rework and new ability.
DJBacon for assisting with creating Megaman.NYA's sprites.
Beliot8 for giving us permission to use his awesome Harp Note sprites.
Gal Axis for developing some amazing modding tools as well as providing us with the mod's new logo.
The Endcycle VS and Endcycle Scientists Discord communities for helping answer any questions I might have.