Rhona accepts her fate

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  1. Excellentium
    • member
    • 357 kudos
    Wonderful shots from the start sequence of Enderal! Very bright and colourful, especially the green and golden tints. I'm not going to guess which LUT this is, because they all behave a bit differently in Enderal compared to Skyrim. The LUT you've picked seems very fitting for this glorious character though and I'm already curious about her next whereabouts. I've made it a bit in different directions along the Sun Coast, but none have reached Riverville yet in my game...

    I''m ready to follow her, to meet her fate with her! I already know it's going to be a fantastic journey!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      You know, those are the very first steps there and as far I was not in Riverville. Rhona is very capriciously and I assume, she will go her own ways Perhaps your chars will cross her way in future ... I‘m really tensed how it will come out differently
      About the LUT ... I‘m not absolutely sure, but I think it was cicada.
  2. vronykah
    • supporter
    • 138 kudos
    Beautiful images. How are you enjoying Enderal? It's on my list to try!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      Enderal is a completely own game, which works on the engine of Skyrim, but has nothing to do with it. Own story with deepness and outstanding graphics ... absolutely fantastic. You should try it. At the moment you can make a download for free on steam, if you have Skyrim.It works seperately from Skyrim. You can play both games without switching
    2. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 138 kudos
      Thank you for your feedback!
  3. Clanggedin
    • premium
    • 251 kudos
    She's very cute.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      Cute??? Pssst ... don‘t tell her
    2. Clanggedin
      • premium
      • 251 kudos
      Ah ah, is some elf prompt at being full of herself?
  4. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    She definitely brings her own light! Neat set Heike.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      Thanks a lot, dear Patrick ... so kind
  5. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Beautiful set, Heike! Love the graphics and detail, and Rhona looks fabulous.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      Enderal has indeed a wonderful Graphic. Until now, I use no texture mods for the landscape. It is more than worthy play it. I hope, you enjoy it too
  6. scholzenbolz
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    Ein umwerfendes Set, die Rüstung fügt sich hervorragend in die Umgebung und gibt Rhona etwas Elfenhaftes(abgesehen davon das sie eine Elfin ist lol) und ist trotzdem robust :>
    Generell wirkt das ganze Setting sehr Elfisch...passt also hervorragend und erinnert mich leicht an Herr der Ringe :>

    Wie immer also eine fantastische Arbeit :)
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      Mir hat die Rüstung gleich gut gefallen, als ich sie das erste Mal auf der Mod Seite hier sah. Musste ich einfach ausprobieren. Jetzt, wo Du drauf hinweist, fällt es mir auch auf, dass sie Rhona einen elfenartigen Touch gibt. Sie ist in der Tat ein Enderal Pendant zu den Skyrim Elfenrassen
  7. deleted2702269
    • account closed
    • 30 kudos
    Ein wunderbares Set!
    Dein Spiel sieht wundervoll aus. Wie Urlaub für die Augen.Ich muß das Spiel endlich zum laufen bringen!
    Dieses Silbergrau der Rüstung ist eine Traumfarbe,und passt hervorragend zu ihr! Danke!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank für dieses Lob ... ich habe gerade wieder angefangen und bause neu auf. Bis jetzt bin ich ganz zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis.
      Rüssi ist recht neu. Habe sie hier erstmals probiert - Regalia Armor
  8. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 114 kudos
    You have so many beautiful characters in your magical tales. Rhona is one of them. It does look like she's found something a little more practical to wear.
    You always seem to find beauty around them in landscapes and little details. That really makes me feel a part of their journey.
    I love the soft, harmonious tones of green and gold in these images. And, then suddenly, that splash of brilliant red.

    Rhona is here. She doesn't want to be. But, nothing to do but move forward. I like her determination. Even that weird monster (looks kind of like a Frankenstein's monster of Nature) won't stop her.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      When I start a new story or a new adventure it is fun for me to make a fresh character for it. So I can let him/she ac5 without a past. Very often I have no idea of a story ... it develops with the adventure and the character develops it‘s own story and character.
      I like to show this char, but I‘m very often amazed from landscapes and details. For this reason I share those pics too ... also as a tribute to the modders.
      You know, I like to play with colours to evoke various emotions of the observer. Here the friendly colours show that Rhona takes her fate with some optimism At the moment she is still the excentric lady who fears nothing because she gets what she wants ... no fears for nothing ... I‘m tensed how long?
  9. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    With all of that beautiful scenery, maybe Rhona shouldn't leave too soon.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      At the moment she has no other option than to stay To be continued
  10. arghTease
    • premium
    • 211 kudos

    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 334 kudos
      What a great gif. Thank you