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Enderal's Texture BSAs, slightly compressed and repacked: Forgotten Stories Included

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Didn't find anything similar (that's also more or less up to date), so I tried it myself.
Made with Cathedral Assets Optimizer. Most of the bigger textures were downscaled to 1K, so things like various posters you see around Ark have suffered a drop in quality - albeit crusty, they are still very much readable. If you're pressed on VRAM, this could very well be a lifesaver.
These are BSAs, so they'll overwrite the base files. I hope you're using a VFS-based modding tool, for your own sanity.

Base Game:
E - Textures1.bsa = 1,493,320 KB
E - Textures2.bsa = 1,807,164KB
E - Textures3.bsa = 673,963 KB
L - Textures.bsa = 129,490 KB
Total: ~3.91GB

This Archive:
E - Textures1.bsa = 1,119,690 KB
E - Textures2.bsa = 1,148,391 KB
E - Textures3.bsa = 501,593 KB
L - Textures.bsa = 111,259 KB
Total: ~2.74GB

P.S. This doesn't include a replacement for Skyrim - Textures.bsa still used in Enderal! Check this out if you need that last bit of optimization.