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About this mod

All NPC faces, generated with Vanilla Hair Remake (Physics), Expressive Facegen Morphs, SUEMR, and more.

Permissions and credits
This mod is not compatible with Enderal NPC Overhaul or Enderal Faces - Immersive Characters Overhaul (Facegen).

NPC facegen generated for every single NPC in the game using:

Also included is facegen for:
You do not need any of the mods above to download this. Facegen is optimized with SSE NIF Optimizer and CAO 7.

The BEACON Series - Enderal NPCs Redone
BEACON - NPC Overhaul (this page)
Lishari Peghast
Jespar Dal'Varek
Esme (coming soon!)
Yuslan Sha'Rim (coming soon!)

For the main characters, though I ensured they were as close to vanilla as possible, custom NPC replacers are highly recommended. Here are some:
  • BEACON series! (it's my stuff)
Load these after my mod and the included .esp.

For screenshots, these textures were used: