- Refine results Found 12 results. 11 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
This Mod Increases the number of trait points you can spend on a Custom Empire to 105 so that it matches the max available to Vaulters and Mezari.
- 4KB
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This Mod Increases the number of trait points you can spend on a Custom Empire to 105 so that it matches the max available to Vaulters and Mezari.
This mod improves the game in several ways : larger battles, new units, new heroes, more weapons choice and new colors, everyone should find something to make his game better ! Compatible in all languages.
- 65KB
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This mod improves the game in several ways : larger battles, new units, new heroes, more weapons choice and new colors, everyone should find something to make his game better ! Compatible in all languages.
World Generator Full Customization
Adds more options for world generation.
Removes the increased build, recruitment, and tech costs based on game speed.
Adds in a bunch of new traits.
A collection of mods aimed to increase the customization options for players who enjoy creating and playing custom factions against one another in multiplayer. *Updated for Shadows expansion*
- 14KB
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A collection of mods aimed to increase the customization options for players who enjoy creating and playing custom factions against one another in multiplayer. *Updated for Shadows expansion*
Sets the 'last turn till ending' to a ridiculous number(9999999999999999999), so you can keep playing till someone wins fair and circle.
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Sets the 'last turn till ending' to a ridiculous number(9999999999999999999), so you can keep playing till someone wins fair and circle.
Modpack made for personal use, contains ENDLESS SUMMER EXTRA, traitpack, and Custom Trait Point Increase.
- 32KB
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Modpack made for personal use, contains ENDLESS SUMMER EXTRA, traitpack, and Custom Trait Point Increase.
A small mod that adds all diplomacy actions as starting tech for each faction except the Necrophages.
- 9KB
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A small mod that adds all diplomacy actions as starting tech for each faction except the Necrophages.
Combination of DW(deadly winters) and ES(endless sessions) with NMEW(No More Endless Winters) and CGS(Continuous Game Speed).
- 9KB
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Combination of DW(deadly winters) and ES(endless sessions) with NMEW(No More Endless Winters) and CGS(Continuous Game Speed).
Adds the Winter Warriors custom trait for when you are making a custom race. Basically weakens the race slightly during summer and gives them huge buffs during winter.
- 6KB
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Adds the Winter Warriors custom trait for when you are making a custom race. Basically weakens the race slightly during summer and gives them huge buffs during winter.
Makes the 'winters' cripple everyone more, and balances militia to be less effected than units.
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Makes the 'winters' cripple everyone more, and balances militia to be less effected than units.