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About this mod

1. level_cap - mod for increasing the maximum level limit (works both for you and for those who visit you)
default value is 50 (you can change this value)
2. exp_multipler - multiplier of experience gained (works for you and those who visit you) default value x5 (you can change this value)
3. stack_multiplier

Permissions and credits
Cheat Table for the Hoster
(The person running the server)
This cheat table provides the following features:
By Atamg (me):
  • level_cap – A mod that increases the maximum level limit (works for both you and your visitors).
    • Default value: 50 (you can change this).
  • exp_multiplier – A multiplier for experience gained (works for both you and your visitors).
    • Default value: x5 (you can change this).
  • item_up_bonus_level – Allows you to set how many levels an item gains per upgrade.
    • Example: If you set a legendary item to gain +80 levels per upgrade, then 80 × 5 = 400 total levels.
    • Note: There is a visual bug where item levels above 255 are not displayed correctly.

3.1 - last_upgraded_weapon (Recommended for local play)
  • A pointer to the last upgraded item.
  • Even if the item is fully upgraded, just select it in the upgrade panel and press Space Bar – this assigns an identifier, allowing you to edit the item.
  • Enables effect modification and converting regular items into legendary by adding custom effects to empty slots.
  • Use only in local play! Editing an item that is not yours in multiplayer could cause issues.
  • The effect list is not yet complete—if you see a numeric identifier instead of a standard name, feel free to report it in the comments.
Editing Upgraded Items After the UpdateAfter the update, item_up_bonus_level no longer retrieves information about upgraded items. To edit upgraded items, follow these steps:
1. Retrieving Item Information
  • Select the item using (found item upgrade mouse click SELECT ITEM) (cant get lvl item).
  • This will allow you to view the item’s stats, but you won’t be able to edit its level.
  • If you only need to edit effects, use (found item upgrade mouse click SELECT ITEM) (cant get lvl item) after selecting the item.
2. Editing the Item’s LevelIf you need to edit the item’s level, follow these steps:
  • Select the item using (found item upgrade mouse click SELECT ITEM) (cant get lvl item).
  • Reset the upgrade using (reset upgrade) (CTRL + SPACE).
  • Enable item_up_bonus_level.
  • Go to an NPC that upgrades items.
  • Perform one upgrade at the NPC to refresh the item data.
  • Now you can edit both the effects and the item’s level.
Additional Features:
  • MaxStackSize = 65,000 – Increases the maximum stack size limit.
    • The original stack size is protected, and directly modifying it causes a crash.
    • However, Cheat Engine can bypass this by rewriting the value at runtime.
    • This function calls Lua code to override the value in the game database itself, applying the change globally.
  • Glider Flight (fix) – Allows the glider to fly upward!
    • Without this option, you cannot tilt the glider beyond 80 degrees and can only glide down.
    • With this fix, you can freely ascend, making glider flight behave more like an airplane.
Other Useful Cheats: (Not mine, but included in the table)
  • No Fall Damage
  • Unlimited Durability
  • Unlimited Stack Split
How to Use This Cheat Table?
  • Install Cheat Engine.
  • Double-click the .CT file to open it.
  • Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine to select the game process.
  • Keep the list.
  • Activate trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1.