About this mod
Unlock online content, special quests, weapons, clothing, items and much more.
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
This method allows you to make changes to the script without relaunching the game
use Catspaw's GFWL emu
Put Data and DLC folder in the base Fable 3 game directory
MyScript01.lua is executed once per 60 frames (one second on 60fps rendering)
MyScript02.lua is executed only when screen is fading
Inside MyScript02.lua I have kept a long code that unlocks pre order quests, dlc items, weapons, armor and more. If everything is working correctly you will be receiving 1 guild seal and coin whenever scene changes.
1) Start keeping multiple saves by pressing "P" and going to save room
3) If you run into bugs remove the script and restore it back when needed
You can find other codes in the comments, downloads and other places online
Additional scripts you might find useful
If you find new useful scripts please mention it in the comments :)
Useful basic scripts that adds money and experience
Thank you @roxas191115234
Money.Add(GetLocalHero(), 100000, 0)
A good all in one script that adds preorder quests, dlc items, weapons, armors and more
Gameflow.AllowFakePreOrderTemplates = true
Gameflow.HerosParent = '_Father'
Gameflow.Fable2HeroEndGender = '_Father'
Money.Add(GetLocalHero(), 1, 0)
local fillExpendableItems = {
for key, value in pairs(fillExpendableItems) do
while Inventory.GetNumberOfItemsOfType(GetLocalHero(), value) < 9 do
Inventory.AddItemOfType(GetLocalHero(), value)
while ((Inventory.GetNumberOfItemsOfType(GetLocalHero(), 'ObjectInventoryPotionHealth')) < 9)
Inventory.AddItemOfType(GetLocalHero(), 'ObjectInventoryPotionHealth')
while ((Inventory.GetNumberOfItemsOfType(GetLocalHero(), 'ObjectInventoryPotionSlowTime')) < 9)
Inventory.AddItemOfType(GetLocalHero(), 'ObjectInventoryPotionSlowTime')
while ((Inventory.GetNumberOfItemsOfType(GetLocalHero(), 'ObjectInventoryPotionDeadRising')) < 9)
Inventory.AddItemOfType(GetLocalHero(), 'ObjectInventoryPotionDeadRising')
local allLegendaryWeapons = {
for key, value in pairs(allLegendaryWeapons) do
if Inventory.GetNumberOfItemsOfType(GetLocalHero(), value) == 0 then
Inventory.AddItemOfType(GetLocalHero(), value)
for key,value in pairs(allLegendaryWeapons) do
if Inventory.GetNumberOfItemsOfType(GetLocalHero(), value) > 1 then
Inventory.RemoveItemOfType(GetLocalHero(), value)
local allObjects = {
for key, value in pairs(allObjects) do
if Inventory.GetNumberOfItemsOfType(GetLocalHero(), value) == 0 then
Inventory.AddItemOfType(GetLocalHero(), value)
for key,value in pairs(allObjects) do
if Inventory.GetNumberOfItemsOfType(GetLocalHero(), value) > 1 then
Inventory.RemoveItemOfType(GetLocalHero(), value)
Change weapon morphs to even unique unobtainable ones! (Note - Changes appearance of all weapons, Choose the ones you like and change true to false to revert)
Gameflow.weapon MeshOverride = true
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshAuroran"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshCrystal"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshEvil1"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshEvil2"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshGood1"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshGood2"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshIntricate"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshOrganic"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshReaver"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshOverride = "PrimaryMeshBase"
Gameflow.Secondary MeshOverride = "SecondaryMeshAuroran"
Gameflow.Secondary MeshOverride = "SecondaryMeshSpell"
Gameflow.Secondary MeshOverride = "SecondaryMeshBone"
Gameflow.Secondary MeshOverride = "SecondaryMeshRoyal"
Gameflow.Secondary MeshOverride = "SecondaryMeshBase"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshSize = "SizeSmall"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshSize = "SizeMedium"
Gameflow.PrimaryMeshSize = "SizeLarge"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourMetallicRed"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourSilver"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourMetallicBlack"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourMetallicGreen"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourSteel"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourGold"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourMetallicPurple"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourCopper"
Gameflow.PrimaryColour = "PrimaryBackgroundColourMetallicBronze"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourMetallicRed"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourSilver"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourMetallicBlack"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourMetallicGreen"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourSteel"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourGold"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourMetallicPurple"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourCopper"
Gameflow.ForegroundColour = "PrimaryForegroundColourMetallicBronze"
Gameflow.ParticleEffect = "LIGHTNING"
Gameflow.ParticleEffect = "FIRE"
Gameflow.ParticleEffect = "SHADOW"
Gameflow.ParticleEffect = "HOLY"
Gameflow.ParticleEffect = "BLOOD"
Gameflow.ParticleEffect = "ETHEREAL"
Gameflow.ParticleEffect = "GOLDEN"
Gameflow.ParticleEffect = "POISON"
Open Co-op only demon door at Mistpeak
if not Layers.IsLayerActive("QD030_MistpeakValleyDemonDoorTransition") then
QuestTracker.SetAsCompleted(GetLocalHero(), "QD030_MistpeakValleyDemonDoor")
Code for making villagers wealthy. Changes their dialogue and they slowly upgrade their homes with expensive furniture
Thank you again @artoffeel
Code for changing your parent gender. Possibly unlocks secret dialogues as if you imported Fable 2 save on Xbox. Please avoid changing the parent gender to "_Mother" as reported in the comments it causes game breaking bugs.
Thank you @catgogo5 for this code
Thank you @Tallyr for simplifying this code
Thank you @TonyStarkIND for checking the code for bugs
Gameflow.HerosParent = '_Father'
Gameflow.Fable2HeroEndGender = '_Father'