About this mod
This mod gives you more control over your character's appearance.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod lets you disable and in some cases customize all unwanted changes to your character's appearance. The different options can be enabled or disabled at any time.
- You can disable the height increase mechanic, reduce its effect by 50%, or leave it as is.
- You can disable the muscle gain mechanic, reduce its effect by 50%, or leave it as is.
- You can disable the will lines effect (blue glowing skin marks and blue glowing hands) or keep it.
- You can disable the fat gain mechanic or leave it as is.
- You can disable the permanent-bruises-and-scars-over-time effect or keep it.
- You can disable the aging-on-level-up effect or keep it. If you're already older than 21 when disabling this, you will be aged down to 21.
- You can disable the alignment effect (being good gives you blond hair and a halo while being evil makes you look like a demon) or keep it. If you want to play a blonde good character, there are special "NoHalo" files that disable the halo but keep the blond hair.
You do NOT need the official Modding DLC for this to work. There's also no need to start a new save – any save file works. You do need to be playing in normal mode though (as opposed to hard mode) for all features to work. See the "Hard mode" section further below for more info.
Finally, keep in mind that this mod was designed for official copies of the game. If you have a pirated copy it may not work for you (especially the changes to textures and particles).
First, let's understand what files this mod replaces to achieve its desired effects:
The game.bin file is replaced to make changes to your character's textures and particles - scars, will lines, aging and alignment.
Meanwhile, the files hero_strong.bncfg, hero_tall.bncfg and hero_fat.bncfg are replaced to alter the shape of your character's body.
Next, you need to find where in your computer the game is installed.
If you bought the game on Steam, the "Fable Anniversary" folder is usually in the path below.
If you didn't buy it on Steam, try right clicking on the game's shortcut and going to its properties to see where it points.
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fable Anniversary\
Now we navigate to where in the game folder those files mentioned in step 1 are found. Their locations are:
\Fable Anniversary\WellingtonGame\FableData\Build\Data\CompiledDefs\Development\game.bin
\Fable Anniversary\WellingtonGame\FableData\Build\Data\Bones\hero_strong.bncfg
\Fable Anniversary\WellingtonGame\FableData\Build\Data\Bones\hero_tall.bncfg
\Fable Anniversary\WellingtonGame\FableData\Build\Data\Bones\hero_fat.bncfg
Make a backup of those four files. Simply copy-paste them somewhere safe.
Replace the original files with the desired modified versions extracted from ControlYourAppearance.rar.
They are neatly organized in easy to understand folders, but if in doubt check the Choosing a File section below.
Run the game and enjoy.
There are 4 main folders inside ControlYourAppearance.rar:
1- Options for Aging, Scars, Will Lines and Alignment
2- Options for Muscles
3- Options for Height
4- Options for Fat
Inside each folder are different versions of the file that is modified. For example, inside "3- Options for Height" you will find two different versions of the hero_tall file: one that disables height gain entirely and one that decreases it by 50%.
You can choose one of these files to replace the original, or none if you don't want to modify how the game handles the height increase mechanic.
The same goes for other folders. Even in folder "1- Options for Aging, Scars, Will Lines and Alignment," choose only one file in there. If you want to disable ONLY will lines, for instance, choose "1- No Will Lines". If you want to disable both aging, scars and will lines, choose "1- No Aging + No Scars + No Will Lines." So on so forth.
When you play this game in Heroic difficulty, it uses a special file called gamehard.bin instead of the usual game.bin.
This means that any changes to aging, scars, alignment and will lines made through this mod are not compatible with Heroic mode. Meanwhile, changes that don't alter the game.bin file (muscles, height, fat) continue to work on Heroic mode.
If you really want to play on Heroic mode, consider checking the Modding the Game Yourself section below for instructions on how to make these changes to the gamehard.bin file yourself.
To uninstall, simply delete any modded files you extracted from ControlYourAppearance.rar and return the original files to their places.
That is to say, if you replaced the original game.bin for this mod's version, deleted the modded one and bring back the original file. This is why you made those backups earlier.
If you forgot to make the backups, there's a VanillaFiles.rar file in the download section of this mod page which has the original unaltered files. It may work, although it would be safer if you remembered to backup your original files.
This mod is not compatible with other mods that replace the same files. However, you can mix and match at will.
For example, you could use the game.bin and hero_strong.bncfg from this mod in conjunction with the hero_tall.bncfg from the True Heroic Stature mod.
If this mod doesn't do exactly what you needed and you want to try modding the game yourself, check out the Credits section below for links to the tool used and some tutorials.
Important: While the Fable Explorer tool was used to make changes to the file that governs scars, will lines, aging and alignment (the game.bin file), the files that govern you character's body shape (the hero_strong.bncfg, hero_tall.bncfg and hero_fat.bncfg files) were altered by hand. To do this, simply open these files with the Notepad or any other similar simple text editor and change the numbers for each bone manually. I learned how to do this by trial and error so I don't know if there are tutorials out there for how to do this. You may find them if you search.
Much of this mod is only possible thanks to xOneManLegacy's fantastic Fable modding tutorials and to the Fable Explorer tool.