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The Content Museum by Avarice

This is a mod known as The Content Museum. It replaces the Guild Exterior Map (Lookout Point) with a collection of architecture, objects and NPCs, that can still be found in the game files. This even includes cut content that you wouldn't normally find, while playing the vanilla game. It isn't finished yet, but I hope to add everything into this nice little package, just so that people don't have to spend the same amount of time hunting and spawning the assets themselves. Lately, I have currently been taking interest specifically in the games cut content, so most of the usable assets are in there.

This only includes the material that can actually be spawned or that there is evidence for in the game files of Fable: The Lost Chapters. The mod might include .FMP files for you to experience certain objects or animations, the way they were intended. The door to enter the Heroes Guild is still there, so you can go in and out of the building. But I put it out of the way for clarity sake. Just walk around the corner on your left (as though you were enter The Heroes Guild) and then you'll find it.

Thanks to everyone who has been supporting the Fable: TLC Cut Content series. I am hoping to work on some more videos, which will help me with ideas for giving this mod updates.

Step 1) Install The Free Roam App.
Step 2) Close whatever programs you opened up, since you were just using it to unlock your FinalAlbion Level Files.
Step 3) Grab the Levels files from my mod folder that you downloaded and replace the ones in your game's "data/levels/finalalbion" folder.
Step 4) Open up ChocolateBox: click file, load FMP and then install any FMPs included in my mod folder which you downloaded earlier.
Step 5) Go to Lookout Point and enjoy your new testing area.