Mean Machine Light Machine Gun

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Weapon: MM300 - Mean Machine Light Machine Gun
Nicknames : Michelle
Accuracy: 8+ / 12
Damage: 5 / 12
Range: 9 / 12
Fire Rate: 9+ / 12
Mobility: 4 / 12
Clip Size/Reserve Ammo: 100/100 (Normal M4a1 Magazine Caliber)
800/800 (Custom Belt Feed Minigun Usage)
Recoil: Low clusterr
Reload Time: 6.45 seconds (Regular Saw mag, Minigun Mag Also Compatible)
2 seconds ( Custom M4A1 Magizine)
Good Perks/Attachments: Bloody Mess, Commando , Sniper , Aimpoint Scopes , Sniper Scope

Bullet type addons : Incendiary rounds , Explosive Mag , Possible attachment GL ak or normal
Tactical Advantages : Freestyle , Laser Sighting
often used by : unkown this weapon doesn't exist in real world


Mean Machine Light machine aka Michelle , is another product by luthien industries is a hybrid combination between saw and m4a1 , this weapon is heavy but reliable , in wasteland this weapon is often used by the elites on talon company is first who had this kind of rifle
the normal price for this weapon is 2500 caps not all factions able to afford this weapon because of its top notch repair methods its easy to repair , and last long also this weapon is sensitive against radiated water not all weapon designed by luthien industry is perfect some are perfect for killing and others has weaknesses you dip this in the water you damage the inner bolt of this gun , the creator named this weapon Michelle after his ex girlfriend who passed away in real life this gun become tribute to his work. oh the magazine usage is another different story it has two sides you can port the gun into minigun style or normal saw
when you modify the gun magazine usage the way this gun works is to made 3rd party hardware compatible to have fast paced action at the same time awesome feeling. however like the author says its sensitive again ts with radiated water and normal water it built like that not all weapons are built on its perfections.