Fallout 3
Who killed Gary

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  1. Spaceritual
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  2. ITOS
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    This vault is surrounded.

    I'm afraid I must not ask anyone to leave the room. No, I must ask nobody... No, I must ask everybody too... I must not ask anyone to leave the room.

    No-one must be asked, by me, to leave room. No. No-one must ask the room to leave I. I ask the room shall by someone be left. Not. Ask, no, ask nobody the room somebody shall leave shall I.

    Shall I leave the room?

    Everyone must leave the room... as it is... with them in it. Understand?

    Now, induce me to interllow myself. I'm sorry. Alself me to infer, infe me to loose my lowalow me to you infesise mys... Excuse me a moment.


    Allow me to introduce myself. I'm afraid I must ask that no-one leave the room. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm inspector Tiger.