Fallout 3
The Red Suns Place

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Another screen from the mod I'm working on right now which seeks to expand Rivet City.

This one's from an area of the Aft Hangar, the more down trodden, crime ridden region of the ship.

As of this moment only the Rivet City Market area is finished-going for the Flea market/china-town look.

Note. This are has been edited somewhat since the upload. The two houses pictured serve as the hangouts for one of the area's gangs-I don't know whether to give them a thieve's guild attitude or go greaseball on them. If I can be bothered with learning how to script quests there's a truck beneth the house in the background (you can barely see the front end of the truck here) which one of the other gangs(or both?) would send you to destroy-being the prized posession of this gang's leader. Yeah...defintely the punk ass greaser attitude for these guys. ^^

Yeah total 40K reference, it just came into my head as an appropriate name there. =)

1 comment

  1. RositaFresita
    • BANNED
    • 81 kudos
    very good