Fallout 3
Back Alley

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Another... screen from the mod I'm working on right now which seeks to expand Rivet City.

This one's from an area of the Aft Hangar, the more down trodden, crime ridden region of the ship.

As of this moment only the Rivet City Market area is finished-going for the Flea market/china-town look.

The backalley behind the Mob run Bar and Whorehouse, The Darkside lounge-name subject to change. Here is where the Mob chose to dispose of those they disagree with. A rise in disapearances has also risen in the area, with only mutialted corspes being found occasionally to give hint to them not being Mob hits. Here, right under the Mob's noses (above that wall on the right of the picture is where the head honcho of the Mob resides) lives a crazed cannibal like figure-I'm thinking using the Trog mesh-who'll either always be there or would appear later when the Mob gives you a quest to finally put an end to all the speculation.

Yep...there's going to be Mafia-if I have the time to get the dialouge into the game and learn how to script the quests. I've got exams on at the moment, so that might take a while. ^^

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