Fallout 3
Parallax Mapping

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Rasmus Jagd

About this image

This was a quick test to see how well parallax mapping would work in-game. As it turns out, it looks pretty darned good if you ask me.

To clarify: This is a completely flat surface. The depth in this wall is merely an illusion accomplished with a height map and a parallax shader. The shader was already in the game, but Bethesda used it only for bullet hole decals.

I will perform some tests, to see how much of a performance hit it will cause, but so far it's running fine.


  1. RositaFresita
    • BANNED
    • 81 kudos
  2. lordinquisitor
    • member
    • 116 kudos
    in nifskope it should say "array index: 3" when you mouse over the corrct textures row in the left hand side.

    Normal maps I find are required to have an effect.
  3. Madcat221
    • premium
    • 825 kudos
    It's really not that hard. Flip on SF_LOCALMAP_HIDE_SECRET in the BSShaderPPLightingProperty's shader flags (it's mislabeled, but that's the Px flag) and point the BSShaderTextureSet's 5th texture slot from the top to your Parallax map.

    Making a good parallax map... now that's the challenge. It's technically just a height map, but it's touchy in a different way than usual.

    This really isn't something revolutionary, it's been available since the NifTools team figured out the v20.2.0.7 shader flags (...sorta, as stated, they're all mislabeled).
  4. Rocketlombax
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    • 168 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    You gotta show more people how to do this! This is WAY better than a normal map alone and I know a lot of people could make good use of this knowledge.
  5. Madcat221
    • premium
    • 825 kudos
    I've been playing with parallax in FO3 for a while now. It shouldn't make too big of a hit unless the user has a paltry card. A few vanilla meshes already use it, they're denoted with a _p suffix right before the file extension.

    Some examples of parallax maps in-use on vanilla: The fake moonscape on the Virgo lander set, or the rubble piles in the Citadel bailey and elsewhere.

    If you release this, make sure you use meshes from the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, as they have fixes in them.
  6. lordinquisitor
    • member
    • 116 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Parallax Mapping is very 3D. I always though it odd that they only usded it for the bullet holes. Some games make quite extensive use of it to save on poly count. A wall like yours would save a good bit.
  7. Jasmiyne
    • member
    • 60 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Wow, that looks good.
  8. Kantata
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Looks gorgeous! It's mind boggling that a completely flat surface can appear so three dimensional. I say keep up with this project, for sure.
  9. Rasmus Jagd
    Rasmus Jagd
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    I plan to incorporate it into a big project I'm working on, which will soon be announced. So stay tuned.
  10. Shukin
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    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Damn awesome effect. I'd download it if it was a add-on.