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Leather Gas Mask from Metro 2033...1 of 3...Still trying to get the EGM file to work properly...It also appears that you cant get facial hair to be removed while using a mask...


  1. ecksile
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    dont worry im very familiar with the nexus's terms and conditions...I personally dont like to release ripped content or content i dont have permission for IF i ever would release any of my non permissified items it wont be on the nexus i like it here its warm and cozy and i dont have to pay rent <img class=">. I plan on porting more then just the armors and a few llittle things though main things i want are the vehicles for a vehicle replacer and they had some very nice ones.
  2. Neverclock
    • supporter
    • 39 kudos
    I hate to be a dark cloud, but unfortunately Nexus doesn't permit ports of any kind (deleting and banning you for 'em) It'd certainly be best if you kept them for yourself.
  3. OpposingFarce
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    Will you be porting the armors from that game? They are go good for F3.
  4. ecksile
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Thanks but I didnt make the model or textures they are from the game metro 2033 i just for the straps they are there the egm file isnt resizing the mesh properly to make it auto fit the head thats also why theres some clipping on the face as well...
  5. toadlet
    • member
    • 35 kudos
    will there be straps going 'round the head to hold it on? can't tell rom pic.
  6. SinOfApocalypse
    • supporter
    • 49 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Looks nice!