Sturdy Caravan Shotgun

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Added wrappings from the .32 hunting rifle and part of the stock from the hunting rifle (after bashing it back into shape and making it fit the shotgun).

Now for a general request: does anyone know how to make weapon parts move? It seems that after putting weapons through Blender, moving components lose any animation properties they had. Releasing this as-is might be fine for some people, but I know how very particular weapon mod users are about the details.


  1. weijiesen
    • premium
    • 1,222 kudos
    you can listen to LordInquisitor about the Blender stuff, or you can PM me and i'll tell you how to do all that using Nifskope only.
  2. frobac
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    That's a beautiful looking shotgun. Good luck with the animation.
  3. lordinquisitor
    • member
    • 119 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    very nice

    you have to paste the NiTriStripsData of your rifle over the "HuntingRifle:0"NiTriStripsData no 41 in nifskope.

    postion of the may may or maynot be correct. If you have used CRTL+A in blender on the mesh this can throw the positioon of the mesh out. Your mesh will be 0,0,0 while the original is 19.2040, 1.0819 -0.2232. This movement can be massivel fustrating at time. Nodes may also have to be moved depending on how different your design is.
  4. cpoindex
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Can I just say that I'm looking forward to a working version? Looks lovely.
  5. gunnars2
    • BANNED
    • 30 kudos
    now thats weird, send me the nif file and i'll see what i can cook up? then i'll send it back to you
  6. exeHL
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Nothing shown in the video seems to work. When I tried pasting over the stock wrapping from my shotgun on to the original's duplicated stock, it just created another shotgun stock.

    In fact, trying to do the same for the wrapping around the barrel and hand guard causes the duplicated barrel to disappear and be replaced by another shotgun stock as well.
  7. gunnars2
    • BANNED
    • 30 kudos
    yes, the video shows that, you have to copy paste parts of your model to the model your thinking about replacing for example, you exported a model in wich you made the magazine longer, you open it up in nifskope and then open another window in nifskope and open a weapon for example, the assault rifle, then you "copy block" the magazine on your edited model one and paste it on a node often called "clip" or "magazine" then just click that play button on top or drag the uh, thingi around to see if it worked.
  8. exeHL
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I mean for parts such as the trigger, lever, bolt, etc. Normally those move whenever a weapon is fired or reloaded in game. In this case, the shotgun should open to allow shells to be ejected and replaced.
  9. Jack0Knife
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    "Loose their animation properties"? From my knowledge, you have to assign which animation you want your created weapon to use in the GECK.
  10. gunnars2
    • BANNED
    • 30 kudos
    here, look at this video helped me out when i was having problems with collision and such.