Clover Teaser

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About this image

So its been a little while. A slew of computer problems along with working 50+ hours a week took me off writing Vault Exodus for awhile and quite honestly I feel I've lost touch with the fledgling story. So what to do... what to do. Only one thing I suppose. Write another fiction in my Fallout Universe. A mini series if you'd like, to tide us over until Fallout: New Vegas.

The first issue of the project I'm naming 'Clover' will be up this weekend sometime. Eulogy Jones is dead, killed by John (The Lone Wanderer). Through a stroke of luck Clover made it out of the fight alive, but with a broken collar. With no hand to hold that leash tight and no master, its time to lock and load. Its sex, drugs and rock and roll in this mini series roller coaster as Clover shoots her way through the wasteland.

What to expect?

4 Issues at a new high resolution (I'm now kicking with an HD 24 inch monitor!)

Lore friendly and character loyal story!

All the quality you've come to expect from Vault Exodus and more!


  1. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Very lovely look..not sure how I missed this one
  2. frobac
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    She's looking good! Sorry to hear you're abandoning (for now) Vault Exodus - I thought it was one of the better written comics. Still, I'm sure Clover will be every bit as good!
  3. Neverclock
    • supporter
    • 39 kudos
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement!

    @MRCartman - The shotgun is actually BlackBlossams fantastic reskin. It comes with the Beware of Girl: Man trap Armour here on nexus
  4. llamaRCA
    • premium
    • 2,364 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Gorgeous shot. I use your outfit for Clover sometimes depending on what RP I'm doing with my character. I really like it a lot.

  5. Odile
    • supporter
    • 62 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    SO EXCITED!! *flail*
  6. CARTlike
    • supporter
    • 85 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Very Nice but where cana i get this crazy looking shotgun?
  7. Druuler
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

  8. toadlet
    • member
    • 35 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    cool idea there!
  9. WastelandAssassin
    • premium
    • 273 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    well, good luck with this
    hope it all works out fine for you
  10. Neverclock
    • supporter
    • 39 kudos
    This weekend, more then likely Sun. Afternoon, though I'm going to try and get it done earlier. The dress is actually my own mod, only one I did for Nexus here Figured why not put it to some use!