TSC News - Terrorist Attack by the Brotherhood of Steel

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June 28, 2279
RIVET CITY - Commandos from the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel crashed a gunship into Rivet City yesterday in an attempt to assassinate the Commander, leader of the Terran Starship Command. This picture was the last taken by the TSC photographer on the scene, Patrick Cowley, before he was killed by the commando leader's plasma rifle. Fifty-six have been confirmed dead, including Sergeant Aaron Hawk and Private Anthony Ruiz of the famous Artemis team, who were to be honored yesterday at the Commander's speech for their discovery of what is now our capital of Poseidonis. Over ninety have been confirmed as wounded, including Lieutenant Naoko Kurosawa, also of Artemis team, who is currently in a coma. None of the Starship Council were available for comment. When interviewed by the Olympus Circular, Sergeant Steven Daccord, one of the snipers guarding the event, had this to say, "One minute, my buddy, Sergeant Mark Johnson, was right there. The next, my hand was in a bunch of goo that used to be his face. When that happened, I knew what I had to do. The Brotherhood is going to pay for this. They can count on that."
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  1. panzersharkcat
    • supporter
    • 34 kudos
    There are two other pictures of this scene taken from different angles. In one of them, if you look closely enough, you can see an Imperial Stormtrooper from running the Star Wars MZC mod.
  2. panzersharkcat
    • supporter
    • 34 kudos
    That's just one of my Commanders' names. I agree it should remain ambiguous, even down to his/her gender. It's why I tried to get rid of pictures of the Commander outside of his/her armor in the Wiki. Changed to reflect that.
  3. StrykZ
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    well done
    although i do feel that the commander shouldnt have a name and should just remain the supreme/commander
    keep it up !
  4. panzersharkcat
    • supporter
    • 34 kudos
    Events referenced are from Mothership Zeta Crew. Brotherhood armor and whatnot are from the MZC patch for Panzer's Mass Overhaul, though the armor addon only can be found in Mothership Zeta Crew Minis.