Badass Caravan Guards

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Sebulba and Stitches, the former "Black Mountain Thugs" returned to the Capital Wasteland of DC and hired as caravan guards to ensure the safe shipment of clean water among the scattered remains of the Washington Citizens. Maybe seeking redemption for the sins, commited in the past...

(Above: poor story-telling attempt, below: Mod-List ;) )

Clothing: Black Mountain Thug Armor/Wearable Dogtags/Tailor Maid
Weapons: Apocalypse Armory v2.0 (go get it, 'tis awesome!)
Visuals: Project Reality MKI/ENB Shaders Lite/SSAO/Photoshop


  1. deleted3761571
    • account closed
    • 108 kudos
    Where can I report me to the service at the caravan?
  2. humannature66
    • premium
    • 1,150 kudos
    yo, Deine Werke würden sich inzwischen 'gebunden' gut machen.
  3. Druuler
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    Great screen as usual my friend! The first thing my eyes wandered to was the M41A Pulse Rifle! I like using that thing (along with the M52 Smartgun) myself

    Your "poor story-telling attempt" has actually piqued my curiosity...

  4. SariDecember
    • premium
    • 140 kudos
    SSAO is not a mod it's a visual enhancement that is supported by most of the newer graphic cards. It can be enabled for example in the Nvidia inspector. There's also a mod that enables SSAO (F3 Enhaced Shaders) but I made the experience that it's more buggy than the Nvidia one! It also eats a lot of system resources so you need a rather decent rig to run the game with these settings (not like mine )!
  5. Projectsavior3548
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    what is the ssao mod?
  6. Projectsavior3548
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    what is the ssao mod?
  7. SariDecember
    • premium
    • 140 kudos
    I know, I've been sticking to New Vegas for the last few months but I'm returning more and more to FO3, best game ever! so I think you'll see me here more and more often now! Thanks everybody for endorsing and commenting!
  8. Winterfall
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Been a while since i've seen you on this side of the Nexus. Then again, it's been a while since i've visited this side of the Nexus.
  9. vancleef
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    Man, but you have the best looking characters! Your combination of mods and skins is amazing!
  10. DzonHex
    • BANNED
    • 6 kudos
    Nice work