Ghost of a Chance

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I heard an old saying in a Tolkien novel, "One does not simply walk into Mordor." The same can be said of Old Olney and while the Deathclaws are terrifying creatures they are still that; living creatures. It was against my ethics and piece of mind to harm them even though they would have been more than happy to make a snack out of me. There was one advantage I had they did not. Stealth.

I wasn't called the, "Ghost of DC" because of my creamy white skin. I had used my stealth here, the Enclave base and Raven Rock. If it saw me, it deserved to see me and that's only if I allowed it. Even after the purifier incident I was not only the Brotherhood of Steels Knight Paladin I was also their Lead Scout. Having acquired many...gadgets in my arsenal I was renowned for being undetectable, even to heat sensors. Along with my vast array of stealth boys I also learned to time and detect an enemies blind-spot with such ease that even without a stealth field I was basically below notice. Detecting me required satellite surveillance, I could hide at a moments notice and literally disappear without a trace. Combined with a light chassis, 75 pounds and quick feet I was the literal personification of a living ghost.

So getting past a creature with long lumbering strides and tunnel vision was child's play. No pun intended. As I reached the outskirts of Old Olney there was one stubborn deathclaw that stood in my way. He or she was either half asleep or just staring off into nothing. Maybe it had hoped today's lunch might appear around the corner but that did not come to pass as another trait of mine took stock; incredible patience.

Once, near the old Capitol Building, a detachment of Talon mercs had gotten into a fire fight with a group of super mutants. I was trapped near the entrance behind the wreckage of an old car. They were aware I was around but couldn't find me. After nearly six hours of patrols they finally gave up and left the area after clearing out the muties. I had patiently waited that long in stealth mode. Many a times enemies had underestimated my incredible patience. Waiting hours or days meant nothing to me and today this Deathclaw would rue that quality.

Finally getting bored it turned about stalked in another direction. Like a whisper in the wind I glided away into the shadows leaving nothing but silence in my wake. Ahead I spotted a sealed manhole cover. I didn't think much of it but later on what lay beneath would be an integral part of my research into the Higgs Boson.

For now Vault 92 was in my sights. The dreaded deathclaws that had claimed the lives of so many other Wastelanders never knew the Ghost of DC had passed them by.


  1. Bernt
    • premium
    • 394 kudos
    Hmmm. Very elegant. Both the way she handled it. And your way of telling it. Endorsed -doesn't feel a bit monotonous ;-)
  2. combatlemon
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    deathclaws kill people=deathclaws must die. out in the open. mini-nukes and gatlings. then sell their guts for a night with a good woman at moriarties saloon.