A lonely day

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About this image

This has been in my wallpaper folder for over a year now. With a few after touches it became somewhat presentable. I'm no artist, so don't expect Mona Lisas from me. haha
Anyways. Enjoy.


  1. Mayali
    • member
    • 1,814 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.
  2. Benbenben
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    That lone figure really gives this shot a sense of scale. That's one big boat. The blue tint makes it seem cold and fresh out there. Very nice shot.
  3. charlie1961
    • account closed
    • 37 kudos
    I agree with Bernt, this screenshot is very nice. About the security guard on the deck, well, adds a touch of "life" even if very small compared to the tons of steel around him.
    Well done.

  4. bfg10k17
    • BANNED
    • 12 kudos
    Yes, you did understand what I wanted to capture on the picture ! <img class=">
    It allready had a blueish tint, I just slightly enhenced it.
    Also look at the lone security guard on the deck, he's probably bored out of is mind.
  5. Bernt
    • premium
    • 384 kudos
    The more I look at it, the more I like it.
    There's really something to it. That bluish tint, like the last remnants of daylight, when the sun has already set.
    And from that angle, the old carrier has the look of, what I imagine, a Steampunk submarine would look :-)