New in Town

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This user's image description contains 5 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. midhras
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    That's one great looking Tunnel Snake. And yeah, your game is looking moody as ever. Thanks for taking that hit.
    1. lonewanderer518
      • member
      • 64 kudos
      Thanks a bunch
  2. Zeus_II
    • premium
    • 124 kudos
    Those shots look amazing! Got a very cinematic feeling about them. Wish I could make my game look like that.

    *kicks computer*
    1. lonewanderer518
      • member
      • 64 kudos
      Ha - I don't let poor performance bother me - i just crank it all the way up and let my computer rain blood I'm so needing to get another as well, I take a major frame hit for quality.
  3. Yyna
    • member
    • 115 kudos
    Wow! I find this snake attractive ^^
    And your shots are great as always, Sam
    1. lonewanderer518
      • member
      • 64 kudos
      Thank you Yyna . The sun is a little brighter when you show up